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liked by jackaverymusic and 97, 687 others

imzachherron what happened last night?

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jonahmarais i thought i said be responsible...
imzachherron who says i wasn't?
jonahmarais the caption?
imzachherron hey! i woke up in my own bed!

danielseavey woah... i look completely wasted!

user12 they look like they fuxked👀
user18 they're both bottoms...
user12 made out then, whatever.
user197 lmaooo daniel is not a bottom, corbyn is so it's quite possible they fucked


reading the comments on his post zach wiggled around experimentally, pain free. so him and daniel didn't fuck... he didn't think so

but why was he in daniel and corbyns room, and where was daniel and corbyn?

with a pounding head, zach climbed out of the bed, almost tripping over someone on the floor!

"daniel? what the hell?"

"Zach... what the fuck! my ass hurts... what did you do?" the blond hissed, sitting up.

the brunet's heart sank... there was no way he... right?

"i don't remember what happened last night, if i'm honest," he started apprehensively "maybe we should find corbyn!"

they found him rather quickly, sleeping soundly in zachs bed.

"okay, so neither of us remember what happened last night..."

"well... i might!" daniel said.


"i was just checking instagram and just saw this!"

"i was just checking instagram and just saw this!"

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liked by user197 and 149,687 others

brynn.belle hell of a party! ask zach and daniel!

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user12 this is disgusting, take it down! it's none of your business what the two of them do!

jackaverymusic umm... i'm
it sure what to think of this!

christinamarie i'm disappointed. but i'm also reporting!

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zach groaned... "dammit! we need to get corbyns phone before he wakes up and sees this! he will never forgive us!"

"right, okay!" they rushed to Zach's room to find corbyn sitting up and stretching.

"corbyn! good morning!" the brunet froze.

"have you looked at your phone yet?" daniel asked.

"uhhh... no baby, why?"

"well... it's uh, it's just that- i read somewhere... that's it's uh it's unhealthy! yeah, it's unhealthy to... look at your phone... first thing in the morning?"

the brunet smirked, "is that so?"

"mhm! yep! so true!" zach chimed.

"right, let's go for breakfast then!" he said getting up and walking out of the room, the two guilty males traveled behind him.

"i know what you did" corbyn said as they entered the kitchen. making the two stop dead

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