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liked by jonahmarais and 133,286 others tagged lazyzach itschev this is zach

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liked by jonahmarais and 133,286 others
tagged lazyzach
itschev this is zach. him and i have been friends for a long ass time, i mean we used to take baths together and when he hurst, i hurt. i would never trade anyone for this mans, he is such a goofball and a light in my life. this first pic is right after high school i had just met dani and zach was so skeptical so we decided to have a fun day together. it's one of my favorite pictures of him because it really captures the essence of pure joy.
the second picture is the first day of junior years he was so nervous he changed three times before i told him that he should wear that outfit. little did he know i was matching with him so he wouldn't feel insecure or anything. i made this post to let y'all know that i love this man to death and that will never change.

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liked by jonahmarais and 231,678 otherstagged lazyzach itsdani

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liked by jonahmarais and 231,678 others
tagged lazyzach
itsdani.luv little appreciation post for this peach. i haven't known zach nearly as long as most people in his life, but it feels like i've known him for forever. he has to be my favorite person on this planet besides corbs. like words can't explain the way i adore this child. he has been there for me ever since we met, even when he's having a hard time he drops everything to help me when i ask. he's so selfless and kind and he really deserves the world. and now that he's hurting a needs my help, it's my turn to be there for him. zaxh you're not alone, no matter what you think. we're here for you. this is to my bsf zach herron.

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liked by itschev and 326,128 otherstagged lazyzachjackaverymusic z is the most selfless person i know

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liked by itschev and 326,128 others
tagged lazyzach
jackaverymusic z is the most selfless person i know. he's strong and kind but that often makes people forget that he's also fragile and empathetic. he hates seeing people in pain especially if he feels like it's his fault. zach and i dated for 2 years, so you could say that i know him pretty well. during those two years, he tried his hardest to make sure i was happy. he's a helpless romantic and loves drama. if anything ever happened to him i dunno what i would do. i was my first love and always will be. i will always love him no matter what and this is starting to sound like he'sdead.
HES NOT he's just going through a hard time right now so please everyone support him thank you sm 💕

liked by christinamarie and 467,872 otherstagged lazyzachjonahmarais hi i don't really kno zach, like at all

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liked by christinamarie and 467,872 others
tagged lazyzach
jonahmarais hi i don't really kno zach, like at all. but i do know his friends and i know that if they love him then he must be an amazing person. i've immensely enjoyed his posts to me and his comments on my page, he hasn't failed to make me smile. everyone goes through hard times and i think we should all support him until he's feeling tip top again. also yes, i did still this gorgeous picture from his instagram...👀

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