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lazyzach please support him. he's amazing 🥺👉👈otay das it
tagged: jonahmarais

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"hey, zach what's up?" corbyn asked as he entered zachs bedroom, a tub of strawberry cheesecake ice cream in his hands. he almost stumbled in surprise when he saw zach in a pile of blankets, his face puffy and red.

"oh no, what's wrong!" corbyn rushed to zachs side, concern evident in his voice. zach just burst into blubbery tears, snot flying and tears soaking anything they fell on.

"i-i'm-" zach stuttered not able to speak. corbyn just rubbed his back hoping he would calm down soon. and he did, his cries turned to sniffles and occasional hiccups.

"can you tell me why you were crying now?" corbyn asked softly.

"c-corbs... am i u-ugly?" corbyn froze,

"what?! why would you ask such a question?!" corbyn was bewildered, zach had not called himself ugly in so long, corbyn didn't even think he thought like that anymore.

"it's just that. j-jacks new girlfriend is so pr-pretty an- even you and d-dani think so... i c-can't compete with her. h-maybe jack broke up with me cause i'm i-ugly!" by now zach was balling again.

"zachary dean herron! you are the most handsome boy, it's jacks loss and even though brynleigh belle is beautiful, she's nothing compare to my best friend!" corbyn kissed zachs lips quickly, opening the tub of ice cream.

"you keep kissing me, i might get the wrong idea"  zach whispered through a hoarse laugh.

"oh please. you're way too obsessed with jonah to even think about anyone else!" corbyn mocked.

"am not!"

"are too!"

"whatever," the brunet grumbled, "did i tell you he followed me yesterday?"

"no, you didnt! holding out on me now?!"

"where's dani anyway?"

"he's visiting jonah" corbyn pouted in disappointment.

"i thought he was supposed to take you?"

"well he didn't. it's okay though, cause i've got you!"

"very true, i'm gonna make an insta post then we can have a movie marathon. i heard jonah liked harry potter" zach replied. corbyn burst into loud heavy laughter.


"you're so obsessed!"

"not obsessed," zach started "infatuated"

"you can't say that!" corbyn snorted,

"what? why not?"

"because infatuation implies that you have control over this and that it will be short lived. according to past behavior, infatuation is not an appropriate word for this scenario. therefore i claim you obsessed." corbyn explained.

"whatever, leave me alone" zach grumbled, only half serious. he snatched the tub of ice cream from the blond and ate a thick spoonful.

"we're you going to make an instagram post?" corbyn reminded the younger.

"oh yes. right"

liked by brynn

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liked by brynn.belle, jonahmarais and 17,864 others

lazyzach simply infatuated ☺️

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itschev you spelled obsessed wrong
lazyzach fuk off

christinamarie my cute ass bsf 🥵
lazyzach no u

r u free tomorrow? jack is out of town and i want to meet u without him being in the way!
lazyzach yes! text me the deets

itschev ?

lazyzach oh shit. jonah just commented on my post what the hell. what does the sparkle even mean?! he couldn't have gone with something less confusing? ahh okay, calm down z. he's just a normal boy! nothing special
itsdani.luv ouch if he saw this

lazyzach oh fuck voice text, that wasn't supposed to send!

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