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it had been 2 weeks since zach had been active on social media and he had left his house. he knew that corbyn and daniel would be all over him so he checked himself into a hotel.

it took him two weeks to finally start feeling good about himself again. finally working up the courage he got back into instagram and logged in.

he immediately got notifications about tagged posts. from all
of his friends. even one from jonah. that one made his heart leap.

he read through their captions and was in tears. not sad helpless tears that he cried because he hated himself. no, tears of joy and love. he was finally beginning to feel his worth again.

he was also a little smug that jack had mentioned him in 3 of his recent posts and didn't mention brynn in any.

zach slid into his dms, answering a few people then he looked at his requests. one of them made his heart drop to his ass before flying back into his chest, banging hard against his ribcage.

i hope you feel better, love 💕

zach decided he would text him back.

dms between and ZDH and JMRF

thank you for your appreciation post, it
really meant a lot

sorry i was busy.
of course, i'm sorry
you were feeling some
to begin with. are you
feeling better now?

much better thank you.
just needed a bit of
time to gather my
mental thoughts.

right everyone needs
mental health time.
i'm glad you were
able to get away
and feel better.

thank you! this is
crazy that i'm talking
to you.

why do you say that?

well you're like
famous and
stuff, yano?

technically you're
famous by
association. 👀

ahaha yeah i

i gotta go now. but
don't hesitate to
text me if you
need anything!

oh yeah, thank you
again. so much.

of course, talk soon xx

definitely xx

zach was more than okay now. it seemed like jonah cares about him. it felt a little less like an obsession and more like an interest.

zach decided he wouldn't fully come back to insta yet, but he would talk to jonah.

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