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liked by jackaverymusic and 24,698 others

lazyzach feel like old times ✨

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christinamarie are you kidding me?
lazyzach what?
christinamarie do you not remember what he did to you?
lazyzach ...we didn't even do anything...

itschev we need to talk.
lazyzach okay!

itsdani.luv i love you but ur really dumb sometimes

jackaverymusic i had fun😊
lazyzach me too :)

user2 were u not just posting abt jonah? ur such a hoe 🙄

user12 poor jonah...
lazy zach wut abt jonah?

jonahmarais oh.

liked by charlie_gillespie, itschev and 303,982 others

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liked by charlie_gillespie, itschev and 303,982 others

jonahmarais your name is the strongest positive and negative connotation in any language. it either lights me up, or leaves me aching for days.

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itschev boy got rhymes. u okay?

itsdani.luv jo, i told you that you can always talk to me when you feel like this :(

ilymarais u ok? you seem sad


lazyzach u know my dms are always open buddy...
jonah marais buddy? ouch
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user67 people are so clueless, huh jobear
jonahmarais  indeed :(

user98 what's the name?
jonahmarais not one i want to hear right now

christinamarie feel better luv, you can literally talk to anyone of us 💕

brynn.belle a sad hottie 😩
lazyzach go tf away. ur literally making everything worse 🙄

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