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"come on, z. you've been moping around for weeks. jack has moved on. now you should too!" corbyn pried zach out of bed, grabbing him by the face.

"it's gonna get better, but only if you want it too." the blond mumbled, pecking the boy platonically on the lips then forehead.

"i dont want to. i'm fine the way i am, i'm not mopey. i'm fine" the short brunet grumbled.

"i'll tell you what isn't fine, your disgusting morning breath. brush your teeth and get in the shower. i'll pick you out an outfit." zach just rolled his eyes and did what he was told.

corbyn's plan was to get zach up and going then drag him to see only the best singer on the planet, Jonah Marais.

Jonah cured everything, and corbyn just so happened to have two tickets. corbyn picked out a simple outfit for the boy in the shower.

a dark green t-shirt and thick blue jeans. a pair of nike shoes with the swoop the same color as his shirt.

a few minutes later zach came out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist.

"now, i call end to this pity party. you'll put on this outfit, we'll take some nice pictures because your instagram is dryer than the sahara then you will come with me to a JM concert!" corbyn cheered.

"what no! you know i don't like your stupid boy crush Jonah guy" zach whined. corbyn huffed and threw the clothes at the shorter.

"don't care. you're coming, and i bet you might even enjoy yourself"

"i won't" zach rolled his eyes eyes making the blond scoff,

"oh yes, god forbid!" he mocked in annoyance as zach got dressed.

"it's missing something..." corbyn trailed off, eyes scanning the room. he picked up a silver chain to go on his pants and added it.

"perfect. grab ur coat, let's go
take some pictures" corbyn smiled in satisfaction.

"coat? it's like 90 degrees outside!" zach exclaimed.

"you must make a sacrifice for the gram" corbyn retorted as they exited zachs room. zach hadn't come out of that pit unless it was to eat for two weeks.

he was dealing with the fact that his ex had moved on. him and Jack broke up two months ago but jack got a girlfriend two weeks ago and zach wasn't happy about it.

after taking a couple of pictures, corbyn snagged zachs phone and made an instagram post.

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zachherronwho: gettin ready for a concert,,,, who like the fit? 📸: itschev

view all 566 comments

itschev @jonahmarais we're coming for you!

dani.luv i wish i could go with u guys 😭
zachherronwho u can have my ticket :)
itschev no u can't, sorry baby.
dani.luv issok :)

jack.sings you're back! we should talk soon
zachherronwho maybe... not today tho
jack.sings no ofc i understand. have a nice time :)
zachherronwho thx

user1 ur going to a jonah concert?

user2 i think i was happier when no one knew where u were
itschev i've known exactly where he was.
user2 exactly. no one.

user3: jack deserved so much better than u, so glad y'all broke up

user4 can u like get off my page?

zachherronwho psa for the attention whores, no one asked. bye :)


I'm literally about to go to work and i hate it.
leave nice messages for me to read when i get off 🥺

love you guysh


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