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liked by seaveydaniel and 186,568 others

corbynbesson fit check fools 🤪

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seaveydaniel those are my pants 😑
corbynbesson if i want em back i guess you'll have to come take them off me😏
seaveydaniel 😳

user75 ur so pretty Pls!

user83 loml? def.

christinamarie bad biddie

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"how have you been liking studio so far" Dani asked zach as he took a swig of water.

"it's cool, it seems like a lot of work, vocal strain and what not, trying to do layers or get the right tone and not be flat" zach replied. they were sitting outside they're booked room, taking a little break.

"it is, but we make sacrifices for the things we love."

"i understand that, i mean i love being an influencer, but i don't think it's my calling" zach shook his head.

"well, what do you think is?"

"i dunno. i've kinda always been scared to try new things, like singing for you guys was so scary because i had messed up so bad prior and i never sing in front of people so... i was nervous."

"you did amazing, you wrote a very good song as well. it's rare for musicians to find their talent right away, it takes time and practice and it seems you've just got a knack for it."


"yeah, let's head back in."

zach nodded and followed dani to the studio.

"so, our next section will be acoustic?" daniel's manager started.

"yeah, we're doing zach's song. he can play the guitar and sing while you record at least to get the basics of the sound?"


"wait, i'm sorry what?" zach asked,
his eyes and stance wide.

"well i wanted you to try a recording sesh with the song you wrote, of it goes well you can release it... could be fun, something new" daniel shrugged.

"are you serious?!"

"well yeah, but if you don't want to-"

"no, of course i do! this is amazing what. okay!"

zach was practically vibrate entering the sound booth. he grabbed a guitar, testing his chords.

"you took this open heart of mine..."


"no that went so well, i'm sure david loved having someone new and unproblematic to record for" daniel laughed as they drove home. zach's sesh had gone well and he planned to go back tomorrow to continue recording, freshen up the sound a little.

"i'm so glad i got this opportunity though, like not everyone gets to experience things like that, and i'm
greatful you did it for me"

"awe, it's not problem z. i'm
excited for it to finish and be release. your followers are gonna flip out!"

"so true!"

as they walked into the house chatting some more zach ran straight into jack who looked like he had just got home as well.

"Jacky!" zach pounced on the older man.

"hey, beautiful. how was studio?" jack asked after detaching his lips from the younger boys.

daniel wore a surprised look at the twos closeness, he always thought jonah and zach would end up together. they definitely seemed like endgame but if zach didn't want to be with jonah he couldnt make him.

plus zach was familiar with jack, and jack was a good guy. he was happy for them.

jack put the smaller boy down and they walked into the living room where corbyn and jonah were sat on the couch watching baseball.

jack plopped down next to corbyn and zach took his spot on his boyfriends lap. daniel was the only one who noticed jonahs surprised look, and the way his eyebrows furrowed when jack wrapped his arms around zachs waist and placed a kiss on his neck.

shaking his head, daniel pulled corbyn off the couch and to his room. what? they made plans in the comments section, right?



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