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Jack had seen the two of them
kissing outside that night, he wasn't surprised however, he could feel zach pulling away from
him a couple of weeks ago. and he himself wasn't as invested in the relationship as he thought he would be.

so when zach came up to him with a sad look and told him it was over jack couldn't be mad cause he zach would be happier with jonah.

they were even planning to go on cute dates and such.


it had to be like 5:30 in the morning when zach woke to the sound of knocking on his door.

he grumbled, getting out of bed and stomping to the door.

"what!" he said grouchily, opening the door. he was taken off guard when he was pulled forward and kissed hard. his brain woke
up quickly after that.

"cutie, put some clothes on, i wanna take you somewhere" jonah had whispered.

"but why? it's so early" the small
boy whined.

"it'll be worth it i promise"

"but jonah"

"please? i shower you in kissed when we get there" the older bribed.

"fine, but i'm sleeping on the way there"

"fine by me" zach replied.

one he was dressed and they left the house jonah drove about 45 minutes then drug the sleepy boy to a hilltop
where he laid down blankets and such.

"baby, wake up and watch the sunrise with me" jonah whispered in zachs ear. the younger boy shivered, his eyes blinking open.

he rested his body against jonah who love random soft kisses to
his jaw neck and shoulders.

they're hands intertwined and jonah always held his hand firmly, like he was scared to let go.

he kissed his hand.

"they way i feel about you i've never felt for anyone or anything. even harry potter and coffee." jonahs said softly, nibbling in zachs ear his eyes sliding from the reddened cheeks to the orangish purply pink that flooded the sky.

"dork" zach snorted softly. turning his body so he could climb on top of jonah. jonahs hands slid down his side the to perk of his ass, his hands slipping into the back pocket of his jeans.

zach buried his face into jonahs necks with all intentions of going to sleep. which he did. they both did.


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