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zach had been hold up in his room ever since then. corbyn and daniel were still mad at each other. from what he could hear, daniel was sleeping on the couch.

Jack had finally made it, but had to leave rather quickly, something about his marketing team wanting him in canada. Daniel had yet to tell anyone why zach was hold up in his room.

not eating(except for when everyone was in bed for the night asleep), or showering or doing anything productive. all he did was cry and sleep. because he knew he had royally screwed up, and he felt like he didn't deserve any of the people in his life.

daniel had been right. he had played Jonah by spending time with jack with more than friendly expectations, and now he had played both jack and Jonah by sleeping with Daniel even if he was drunk, and screwed up an amazing relationship.

it wasn't until a week after living in the new place, which was when Jonah got back from his family trip, did zach get out of bed.

not out of his room. but far enough, to reach his guitar, a notebook and pencil.

Jonah often said when he was lost for emotions or in a tough place he wrote songs.

zach wasn't a professional writer... or singer for that matter, he barely did either. but he felt like shit and everyone he had messed up to except corbyn were musicians.

maybe a song would
sound better than spoken words.

so zach tried his best to write a good song. he went over it and over it again. hoping to polish it and make it sound better.

he was going to play it for them, but not smelling like old cheese. especially meeting someone for the first time.

oh shit. jonah. this would be the first time he had seen jonah since he went to his concert.

back then they didn't even know each other. now they face-timed and talked about nerdy stuff.

Zach opened the window to his room before grabbing clothes and waiting til he didn't hear anyone near his door.

he opened it and rushed down the hall to the bathroom. locking it behind him.

showering was hard to do without throwing up. the steam in the bathroom made the smell way worse and he had to have used like half a bottle of body wash.

getting dressed into fresh clothes felt good. so good. he would never not shower again.

once he was sure the house was quiet, he rushed back to his room.

turns out, no one was home except jack, and jack is always asleep. the small boy had to fight the urge to go over to the couch and cuddle up with him.

he could never keep a secret from jack and now that they were
formally back in good terms and one step away from
being together again, knowing what happened between him and daniel would completely squash that.

zach quietly took off his sheets and sprayed down his mattress with lysol before putting new ones on.

he crept downstairs, which was empty besides jack's slumped body on the couch.

he went to the washer and dumped all the dirty stuff in. back in his room he made his bed and sprayed his room with febreeze, leaving the window open to let it air out.

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