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the days leading up the the release party were strange. jonah had approached the small
boy asking if he watched to have a joking party to which zach eventually agreed. Jack and Zach had kinda been at a standstill... the relationship was boring for zach. he found himself wanting to eh anywhere but bored or overly comfortable with jack. it wasn't anything against the boy personally, he was just starting to think getting back together was a mistake, maybe it was the thrill of a possible romance that made the relationship seem so attractive at a first. zach didn't know but he would be breaking up with the boy soon, he couldn't help it.

on may tenth you could find all five boys plus producers and friends at their house.

balloons and streamers decorated. they had the computer set up so that when their music dropped it would play zachs song through the stereos then jonahs. jonah had slipped to the party planners that his song was on the slower side so it wouldn't be as hype and zachs.

counting down from ten, zach leaned into jack, nervousness making his limbs tremble.

"3, 2, 1!"

it was silent at first then the acoustic of zachs song began to play through house.

the finished product was better than he could have imagined. zach couldn't believe this was his song.

jonah noticed that zach had began crying as drew him into a hug.

"this song is amazing. you did so good zach!" the taller boy said.

"thank you so much jo, it means a lot" they pulled away and. such couldn't help but stare into jonahs beautiful eyes.

had they always been this beautiful. zach wanted to kiss the man so bad, actually he's wanted to for so long... but now he's with jack. he pulled away awkwardly clearing his throat.

"uh- I think it's almost over your song it's gonna start soon did you want to be in the front?" Zach said avoiding eye contact. Jonah gave him a tight smile and nodded.

"I really hope you like this song Z, it's for you" Zach hardly hurt at all or taller boy mumble as he walked away.

What does that mean? Was it a bad song? No he wouldn't have written something bad about Zach right?

as me because of you came to an end it was silent for a moment everyone anticipating the start of Jonahs new song say goodbye.

it had a thundering opening and jonahs voice was very soulful.

"hoping that you're calling"

it did not take long for Zack to realize that this song was about him and what the song was about overall. he had to get out of there!

slipping between bodies of people he made for the exit to the back door. The cool night air hit him immediately and he let out a long sigh he hadnt known he was holding. Zach despised himself for making Jonah feel that way but he didn't want Jonah to say goodbye to him he wanted to stay near Jonah no matter what it meant.

zach startled when someone sat next to him on his favorite rock.

"hey... you didn't like the song?"

"of course i did. i'm just angry that i made you feel like this"

"eh, i was able to write about it..." it was silent for a moment.


"what?" zach asked cluelessly.

"is it too late to talk?" zach smiled at that.

"no, but i think that there isn't much we can say."


"but isn't it true that actions speak louder than words?" zach asked, turning to look at jonah.

"so they say" zach nearly tossed himself off the rock as he forced himself near jonah.

"what do these action say then?" he gripped the front of the older
boys shirt and pulled him down. they were both breathing hard... lips just centimeters apart.

zach devoured the impatience filling him and pressed his lips do jonahs softly, something inside
him shifted, his boy igniting at the feeling.

jonahs fingertips brushed his arms, raising goosebumps on his skin.

"don't say goodbye" the younger mumbled.


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