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Zach woke up first, which was unusual for the two of them.

"no wake up, we'll
miss the sunrise silly" zach shook
the man. who groaned and wrapped his arms around the small boy and held against himself. zach blushed and averted his eyes, their bodies being naked and touching meant even intimate parts.

"good morning, z."

"morning jo"

"i love you"

"i love you too" the younger replied. placing a light kiss on the mans cheek before getting up.

"come on, lazy, let's go watch the sunrise." zach grinned as he pulled on a new outfit and lacing up his shoes.

his boyfriend got ready as well, perking up considerably in under five minutes. they were out to jonahs car with guitars and blankets and a small fruits basket, a travel cup for jonah's coffee.

the sunset hill had to be one of zach's favorite places. he loved to come here with jonah, it was like a mental break before starting a hard day.

and it was hard, to have your life on display a majority of the time due to fame and social media. so every private moment was cherished.

zach held his acoustic in his arms, watching the sun glimmer as it slowly slid into its place, awakening their side of the world. in one hand jonah held his coffee, the other balancing the guitar as he reached over, set down his drink and grabbed a sliced strawberry.

zach's brown eyes were drawn to him so he sent the boy and charming smile and began to strum the instrument.

zach grinned and cleared his throat jokingly before singing.

"mmm, hey. you don't know babe, when you hold me, and kiss me slowly it's the sweetest thing"

jonahs heart was racing in his chest. this was the song they had been working on and even unpolished it sounded beautiful.

"you're the coffee that i need in the mornin. you're my sunshine in the rain when it's pouring, won't you give yourself to me, give it all"

Zach through the words to the song were amazing. it was about trusting someone with all of you, and reciprocating their love for you.

there was a pause in the singing before jonah picked up.

"it's the sunrise, and those brown eyes yes, you're the one that i desire" he smiled at the small

"when we wake up, and we make love, it makes me feel so nice" Zach almost choked... those were new lyrics. thinking back to last night the young boy was sure he was red all over.

"Jonah." he interrupted his boyfriend.

"yes love?"

"i just... i'm really really really happy for us"

"what do you mean?" he set his guitar aside and turned to face the rosy cheeked boy some more.

"i don't know about you, but i've never been so happy with anyone like i am with you, and i'm proud of us for making each other happy" zach said softly.

"well then i'm proud of us too, because the way i see it, i've never known true happiness without you"

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