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corbyn and daniel were the first to arrive at the red cheeked boys apartment. corbyn already had tears brimming his swirling light eyes while he stood at the door, dani was taking his sweet time.

zach opened his apartment door after taking in a gulp of air to calm his nerves. as soon as he opened the door and saw the look on corbyns face, his own crumpled and tears quickly bled from his eyes, down his cheeks as the two collided in a fierce hug.

"i told myself i wouldn't cry, i'm sorry" corbyn babbled,

"no, i should be sorry for worrying you" zach sniffed pulling away, he looked around.

"where's dani?"

"i'm here" said boy peeked around the door frame with a shy smile.

"i wanted you guys to have your moment" he said fiddling with his thumbs.

zach pulled daniel into a much needed hug, arms wound tight around the taller man.

"i missed you" daniel grunted in zachs hair, zach just nodded and pulled away. the three of them red eyed and sniffly.

"movie?" zach asked. corbyn eagerly raced to the kitchen for the ice cream, chips, soda , ores and Nutella while daniel followed after, telling him not to yell. zach was such a junk food eater but he still watched his weight.

zach turned on disney plus just as christina walked into the apartment.

"alright bitchees, the party is here!" she shouted, making them laugh.

"you're just in time chris, we're about to watch moana."

"oh shit okay, pulling out the d+ i see you!" she plopped down on top of the three boys and ate the chip out of zachs hand.

"hey! i was about to eat that!"

"oh no, too slow" she winked, playing the movie.

the four of them sang along at the top of their lungs before deciding to watch high school musical the musical the series.

"you know what, i never liked EJ anyway!" corbyn shouted, throwing an oreo at the screen.

"he was cute though" chris shrugged

"and that why you're single" corbyn retorted.

"baby, it's just a show, it's okay" daniel laughed as the doorbell rang.

"i'll get it, i've seen this episode before" zach said as he slipped from under christina and dani.

"what you're so sneaky, you said you didn't know what happens!" corbyn shouted in betrayal. while zach picked up the money from the table to pay for the pizza.

zach just laughed as he made his way to the door, opening it.

"i only have a fifty you can keep the change" zach said, handing the guy the money and taking the pizza.

as soon as he shut the door and brought the pizza to the living room he was attacked, his friends acting like hungry wolves.

it was getting late now, and they had just finished the last episode of hsmtmts.

"can you believe they ended it like that?! i need more!" corbyn shouted, always being the most aggressive during movies.

"no, we have to be up early tomorrow so you can do your photo shoot and i need to go to the studio. come on" daniel replied to corbyn's shouts.

"aww, i don't wanna go. please i wanna stay with z!" corbyn pouted. daniel sighed,

"no baby, you we have to go"

"no" corbyn huffed childishly, turning very submissive at his boyfriend. daniels jaw tightened while zach and christina watched with wide eyes.

corbyn often explained that daniel could be very dominant and that he would occasionally 'punish' corbyn if he got hard headed, and didn't 'behave'.

at first zach and chris were worried that it was an abusive relationship but corbyn quickly exclaimed that he could be very childish and submissive at times and daniel kept his head on straight. they however had never seen it happen.

"would you like me to take down your pants and spank you in front of your friends." daniel growled. corbyn whimpered and curled into a ball.

"up now, princess. or the punishment will be much worse at home" daniel warned and corbyn ignored him. zach wanted to scream for corbyn to get
up because he had never seen daniel so... dominant... before.

daniel surprised the two friends by reaching forward slowly and latching onto corbyn's wrist. yanking him up harshly so that corbyn jerked off the couch and into dani's chest.

zach was unsure of what happened next, all he knew is he was slamming his hands over his eyes because the couple had started to make-out, desperately groping at each other.

"please not here!" zach screeched.

"i'm glad you're okay zach, i gotta go home!" chris yelled. zach felt the couch move and a commotion indicating chris tripping over something. he let out a gasped laugh as peeked through his fingers to see that his friends had pulled apart.

"oh thank gosh! i think maybe you two have some
stuff to work out at home?" he suggested.

"definitely" daniel replied, loosening his grip on corbyn. corbyn made his way to
zach, giving him a hug.

"bye, i love you. please call me or dani if you need us, see you soon." zach walked them to the door, kissing them both on the cheek, before he shut the door.

the brunet slumped against the wall, letting out a jagged breath. he really just wanted to sleep.

just as zach was making my way to the kitchen to start putting stuff away, there was a knock on the door.

he sighed, shuffling to the door.

"did you forget something? i di-" zach dropped the mug that was in his hand,


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