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luckily the mug didn't shatter, but zachs heart seemed to drop the same time mug did, burying itself in his ass.

"wh-what are you doing here?" he questioned. zach was staring. of course he was. jack stood there, his curls were gone. his hair short a grayish silver. a small frown tilted his smooth pink lips, his eyebrows settling downward in his expression of dismay.

"i saw your instagram post and wanted to drop by. has everyone else gone home already?" he asked, and zachs knees buckled at his voice, sweet and smooth as honey, a small lilt ending his sentence.

"uh y-yes, yes! i was just cleaning up..." zach said. a small smile covered jacks face as his head tilted a little.

the younger watched as the silver haired man crouched down and picked up the mug that was at the others feet.

"would you like some help?" he said from down there and zach suddenly got inappropriate flashes from the first time he had gotten head.

jack had said that exact same thing, looking up at him with those dark swirling pits of lust.

"oh god" it was a guttural sound. zach shook his head from the memory, clearing his throat.

"no?" Jack asked, zachs lips parted as he continued "i can go if you want" he made a move to turn and the brunet grabbed his arm.

"n-no" he choked, "s-stay."

"okay" jack smiled once more and stepped into the apartment.

"no brynn?" zach pondered aloud, secretly glad. he couldn't take another blow to his self esteem.

"no, we actually broke up" jack replied, making his way to the kitchen so he could start putting away clean dishes while zach moved to start washing dirty ones.

"what why?"

"she was uh- upset... with my consistent posting about you. said i acted as though i was still in love with you and that i was a bad boyfriend. i suppose she was right" he concluded.

"what?!" zach said in surprise, "no she wasn't, you were an amazing boyfriend when we were together. she ca-"

"not about that" jack interrupted.


"not about that. she was right to say that i'm still in love with you" jack whispered.

"b-but you broke up with me..."

"i over thought every little thing back then. i was scared of what would come next in our relationship. i was a child"

"what are you saying" zach pried, his lips were trembling. he so badly wanted jack to just lean forward and press his own lips hard against his. the way he used to when zach would dissolve into a quivering mess. the way he normally did when anxious.

"i'm saying- that i would like another chance to call you mine" zach hesitated. he felt like things would be weird they hadn't seen each other in so long. but he knew deep
down that things would fall right back into place. they were best friends before anything. but being Jacks lover felt so good. so addicting.

"c-can we just hang out and cuddle?" zach asked. jack smiled brightly,

"of course!" he hated that he agreed, cause he didn't want to just hang out. but he was working on making better decisions for himself.

here was the start.

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