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can we pls talk!


i'm sorry that i hurt you. i didn't think moving on would affect u this much...

we were together for
2 years, Jack! of course
it hurt. your love is
all i've ever known
and now you've given
it to some random
girl! i don't even
know what happened
to us...

she's not just random.
and that was all
puppy love zach. we
grew up, that's what happened. we grew
up and apart, you
know it.

...yeah. but i miss
you everyday

i wanted to still be
friends. you're the one
who said no.

can i say yes now.

well duh. you were
my best friend before anything.

so this girlfriend... is
she nice?

the best. i can give you
her insta... if u want.

sure. i'd like to get
to know her.

oh thank gosh!
this went well, i'm
so glad i got to talk
to you! we'll talk more
later i promise.
her insta is @brynn.belle
i gtg

okay, bye jack

bye z :)

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