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hotdog lovers( cb, ds, zh)

string bean: hi gays!

dani: r00d

string bean: oops, did i say that out loud?👀

dani: ur a bad nut ha✨

string bean: i really am willy, punish me 🥵

rosey: okay i've had enough! that's gross pls no more! who tf changed my name?!

dani: 👀

string bean: 'twas not I

dani: fuck off corbs

string bean: 😭y u bully me?!

zach: that's better. anyway, i forgot my purpose for coming here. why am i here?

dani: beans about to explain your instagram post :)

zach: right. that. i'm out bye

string bean: zach if u leave... i will tell him about that one time in sophomore year!

zach: u wouldn't!

string bean: wanna test and see who's right?

dani wtf is going on

string bean: nun that concerns u bby
come back to bed

zach: y are y'all- i know wut...nvm

string bean: anyway. so remember how i took zach to jonahs concert?

dani: ye

string bean: well, he's got this habit of falling love with people who doesn't know he exists... it's happening again rn. he's gonna become obsessed. just wait, he'll post abt jonah soon lmao

zach: will not!

string bean: just wait

dani: damn. that must suck. sound a lot like u when we first met...

string bean: 😑i breaking up wif u

dani: otay, bai

string bean: no wait come back. i sowwy. i didn't mean it!!! i love youuuu😭

dani: corbs. we're literally cuddling, i haven't gone anywhere

string bean: oh yhhhhh hai, ily 😁

dani: smh, lord know y. but ily2 babie

zach: so lonely!! speaking of... i got jacks girlfriends insta 👀

string bean: gimme gimme

zach: @brynn.belle

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