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zach was supposed to making better decisions for himself. he had decided that weeks ago. but Jack made him weak.

even though he liked jonah, he couldn't be sure he liked him back. and there were always lingering feelings with jack. he had history there. really good history. and you know what they say;

history is bound to be repeated. maybe that's why he didn't know what decision to make. and if he did make it, wouldn't it be the wrong one.

zach lay in his bed pondering this. jack was asleep on his couch, so close.

jack had been MIA almost all week, then he showed up at his front door at three am. imagine how scared zach was waking up to the sound of someone outside of his door. and his facetime call with jonah was still going.

needless to say he ended that quickly.

turns out jack had had a little bit to drink and was slightly drunk. so obviously zach couldn't let him go home.

but why would zach make jack sleep on the couch unless he was tempted by him?

well he was. jack was familiar. for so long jack had been his solace and these last few months zach can't deny that he's been feeling extra down. what was he to do?


"what the-!" zach threw a hand against his chest as if it would catch and still his rapidly beating heart.

jack was sitting in the edge of his bed, leaning toward him. he reeled back slightly when zach made him wild display of fear.

"i'm sorry, i knocked and you didn't answer and i thought i could hear you awake in here so i came in to check on you. what were you thinking so hard about?" Jack replied placing his hand on top of zach which rested on top of the comforter beside him.

zach gulped hard.

"n-nothing. h-how are you feeling?"

"well," jack started, running a hand through his hair. zach shivered.

safe. sound. time to
go back.

without a second thought or room for the older to continue, he leaned forward and kissed jack. a soft yearning feeling pulled his lips to kiss harder. his body jolting with electricity.

as they pulled apart zach sighed. settling in the older mans embrace.

this was safe

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