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liked by itsdani.luv, itschev and 302,604 others

jonahmarais sound check :) who's ready?

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maceylight ready for the after party ;)
user1 s1ut :)
user2 damn, rude much?

zachherronwho i'd rather be in bed :/

itsdani.luv cant believe i'm opening for you!!jonahmarais dude ur vocals are sick, ur gonna do great

zachherronwho @itsdani.luv y did u want my ticket if you're opening? an y didn't i know you're opening?
itsdani.luv one, i was just messing around and two, you've been m.i.a for weeks 👀

itschev i get to see my two favorite people perform in less than 5 hours. i'm so exciteddddd
itsdani.luv you should've scored backstage so we can talk. 😏
itschev we're literally dating, u dipshit
christinamarie cutest couple might i add 🥺
zachherronwho you ain't never lie chris

christinamarie you're gonna make my best friend very happy tonight!
itschev that's sounds so wrong
itsdani.luv yeah, jonah he's mine
jonahmarais got it😂itschev omggggh hii jonahhjsisj😭😭
itsdani.luv y r u more excited than u were when i messaged u?!?!
itschev idk wut ur talking abt

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i'm trying out different formats for the comments ai sorry if there's something u don't like

anyway das it, hope you liked it.

- k.c.

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