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liked by jonahmarais and 22,578 otherstagged: itschev, christinamarie, itsdani

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liked by jonahmarais and 22,578 others
tagged: itschev, christinamarie, itsdani.luv jonahmarais and jackaverymusic

lazyzach hi babes, i'm back. i just want to say thank you for being so patient and supportive. this picture was taken at one of my lowest points in life and you know, you can't even tell. i've always struggled with my self esteem and feelings of worthiness. i used to think i was ugly and fat and didn't deserve love. i'd make jokes about my skin tone and my weight and appearance until finally my best friends confronted me about it, asked my why i acted to hateful towards myself. and i told them why. since then, they have done nothing but show me the person that i am. they've been my rock through everything. and i love them to pieces because of it. i guess that a couple weeks ago i lost sight of who they taught me to be, the real me and i felt like my old self again. i'm still not feeling 100% but i'm so much better now. i will continue to try and better my mentality and be healthier for myself and those around me. mental health is really important. please if you ever feel this way you can dm me or talk to friends and family, you are not alone. i love each and every single one of you💕✨

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christinamarie hi, omg you're back. i missed u so much. can i pls come and see u😭
lazyzach yes of course chrissy, you know where my apartment is :)

itschev for fuks sake z, i was so freakin worries. i'm so glad ur okay😭😭i'm coming over!
lazyzach i sowwy for worrying u. hurry up, i miss u😘

itsdani.luv i'm coming wif him. i miss u too. i better cuddle me u big meanie 🥺
lazyzach fine fine. who's the peach now?
itsdani.luv still u, squish.

jackaverymusic can i come over too? i really need to see you😖
lazyzach id like that ☺️

jonahmarais so glad ur feeling better, z. remember my dms are always open 💕
lazyzach ur sweet 🧸

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