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zach sat in jonahs room, working on the song they were writing, he was supposed to be be back any minute, and they would finish writing it tonight before taking it to the producers.

zach mumbled lyrics over and over, trying to find the right melody. songwriting was sometimes harder than it looked.

when the door to the bedroom
opened and jonah came
in zach immediately smiled and went over to him.

"hi love, " they kissed. "you still feel like finishing the song tonight?" jonah asked.

"yeah, if you're up for it," zach replied relaxing against the taller boy.

"of course, let me just change into something comfy and then we can."

it only took a couple of minutes before the two of them were facing each other with guitars on jonahs bed.

it took about thirty minutes before jonah decided he knew the perfect phrase.

"if you love me won't you say something" jonah sang and zachs  earlier conversation with corbyn popped into his head.

"if you love me won't ya- if you love me won't you say something." zach leaned forward, so he was all in jonahs space.

"what?" jonah laughed.

"i love you" zach said softly, jonah faltered. pausing the voice recording.

"you- you do?" zach nodded.

"mhm," they were inches apart and zach wanted to feel jonahs emotions envelope him.

"kiss me?" jonah didn't waste a second to reply, he grabbed zachs face and melded their lips together.

zach fell backwards on the bed, jonah almost smashing the guitar trying to follow. he moved the instruments off the bed, and came
back to zach, who's cheeks were already flushed, lips swollen tantalizingly.

zach was one to look completely fucked very easily just a couple intimate touches and he was putty.

jonah brushed his hand underneath the smaller boys shirt.

"wait!" he pulled away.


"i love you too" zach grinned hard,

"then show me, you dork. make love to me" he whispered in the mans ear. jonah shivered and pressed their bodies harder together, connecting their lips again.

their chest rose and fell together, fingers burning as they caressed one another. breathless sounds carried around the room as a fluid movement for each of them
had them joined together, sweat sliding against pale skin. mouth open, as they floated higher and higher. it was an intense moment. an act of passion and love that happened that night.


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