Chapter Five

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(there'll be more than one sotc for this one, but here's number one- jealous, by eyedress. happy reading!)

"What do you think he meant by daughter of hell?" Alec asked urgently, running a hand through his already ruffled hair as he paced up and down the floor of his office. Jace rolled his eyes, and drummed his fingers on the arm of the couch he was lounging on.

"Same answer as the last fifteen times you asked that" he replied irritably. "I don't know. Neither does Isabelle, neither does Venus, neither does that fly on the wall."  

"Your lack of patience is honestly quite amusing, Jace" said Ness dryly, who was sitting behind the desk, her feet up on it and clicking a pen that she'd found on the desk. Jace glared at her and opened his mouth to say something.

"We need to exhaust every possible explanation" Isabelle interjected hurriedly from where she was perched on the arm of the sofa, keen to avoid a world war between the two. "I'll get onto the archives, see if they have anything on weapons that would hurt us. Jace, you search the library". Jace nodded half-heartedly. She turned to Alec who was still pacing. "You need to train Ness" she instructed. "She can't go into whatever this is without any training."

"What?" he asked, panicking slightly. "Why can't you?". Isabelle rolled her eyes.

"Don't be difficult, Alec" she sighed. "You're the tallest, and strongest and you've trained the longest. Besides, I'm busy with research." Alec scowled, but said nothing, continuing to pace up and down in frustration. 

"It could just be an empty threat" Ness remarked. "Demons aren't a very reliable source, are they?"

"You tell us" Alec snapped thoughtlessly. "You'd know, wouldn't you, what with your bloodline?".

 A shocked silence filled the room. Nobody could quite believe what he'd just said. 

 Ness stared in shock for a moment, and then stood up and walked slowly over to Alec and stood so close to him that he could feel the anger radiating off her. She leaned right up to his face and surveyed him is disgust before speaking.

"Listen, Shadowhunter" she spat, as if it were a swear. "You may think you're so much better than me, with your runes and your swords but you forget I have angel blood too, so do not make comments like that to me ever again, because you are no better than me. Got it?" she demanded, narrowing her blue eyes at him. Before he could answer, she looked him up and down, a sneer still on her face and tossed her head to look at the others, who were gaping. "I'll be in my room" she said, and walked out the door, slamming it so hard that the old wood groaned in protest. 

There was silence for a moment.

"Spitfire" Jace remarked but backtracked when he saw Alec's expression.

He was staring at the closed door with a bewildered look on his face. He turned to Jace.

"Why the hell did I say that?" he demanded more to himself than Jace or Isabelle. "That was so mean." Jace glanced at Isabelle who shrugged. Alec started pacing again, and Isabelle sighed, because she knew her brother, and she knew that this was just not good.

"You're just stressed" she replied soothingly. "You didn't mean it. It was out of frustration. Right, Jace?"

"Oh um" Jace looked confused. He hadn't been listening really. Isabelle glared at him. "Sure" he agreed hastily. She looked slightly mollified. Alec leaned against the fireplace and rubbed his forehead like he always did when he was stressed.

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