Chapter Twenty-Five *PART TWO*

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(so here we are. yet again with another late upload. i should just like go and write gossip articles honestly. anywho, enjoy the chapter now that she's finally here! sotc is a lil different today- i couldn't pick just one, so i picked a playlist!!! i love it sm, and i hope u will too! happy reading mai laurves <3)

Ness gripped Raph's hand tightly as she felt herself falling further down into the core of the earth, the air around her thick with fear and humidity, and she could hear muffled sounds of screaming below her.

Well, this is hell, I guess.

Raph and Izzy had screamed earlier when the hellfire had completely consumed them, but Ness hadn't felt a thing.

Well, that's a lie.

She had felt something. But the something had been good.

Feeling the hellfire surrounding her body had made her felt free, exhilarated, energised. She had felt so good, so powerful, as the dangerous heat had run through her veins.

The hellfire had made her feel so alive.

Ness was yanked from her thoughts as she crashed to the ground, hearing Raph and Izzy thump to the ground in sync beside her.

The trio sat up, dusting themselves off and took in their surroundings

"It's hot down her" Raph commented sarcastically, and Izzy rolled her long lash framed brown eyes at him.

"Oh my g- g- g-? Why the hell can't I say g-"

"We're in hell, Querida" Raph explained, looking amused. Izzy looked bewildered for a moment, and then the realisation dawned on her face, and she nodded.

"Oh. Right, yeah" she said, shaking her head. "Ness, you good?"

Ness wasn't sure.

This place was so weirdly familiar, these tall golden gates with the goat's head and the pentagram-

"Hang on" she said, standing up with ease. "I just need to um-"

She gave up on the sentence and fumbled in her pocket for something sharp. She turned to Raph and held out her left hand, gesturing with her right.

"Um, do you mind?" she asked awkwardly, and Raph gazed back at her, clueless. "We need blood to get in, I believe."

"Oh, yes, yes, of course" Raph blundered, and Ness laughed uneasily. "Don't worry about me losing control and feeding on you. No offence, but your blood won't taste good, only because-"

"Yeah, yeah the demon thing, I get it" she interrupted. "It's cool."

Raph nodded and sank his teeth into the palm of her hand. Ness winced slightly at the crunching noise as his fangs punctured her skin and gasped at the pain of it. She looked into his dark eyes and inhaled sharply, and he pulled away, her scarlet blood staining his mouth.

"Your blood wasn't as unappealing as I initially thought" he nodded approvingly.

"Thanks?" Ness replied, as she walked over to the huge gate and pressed her hand against the pentagram on it. The pentagram gave and creak and twisted, parting the huge black marble gates and revealing the biggest party Ness had ever seen.

There was everything you'd expect from a normal party- people making out, drinking, loud music, but there was something different, something unearthly about it.

Well obviously, you dumbass, we're not on Earth. 

Everyone was beautiful and looked flushed and bright in the red party lights, and they all moved gracefully, ethereally, like smoke rising from a cigarette.

She looked at Izzy and Raph and motioned for them to follow her. The crowd was dense with dancing bodies, and Ness brushed off many thirsty hell-boys trying to dance with her. She tapped one of them on the shoulder and he turned around and grinned at her.

He had brown hair, his chiselled face was painted with a scull, and his eyes were scarlet. He was still gorgeous, though.

"Can I help you, doll?" he asked, a sleazy grin warping his skull façade.

Ness laughed out.

"Doll" she scoffed in disgust. "Don't you "doll" me, matey."

"Or what?" he jeered. "Watcha gonna do, little miss feisty?"

Ness wrapped her hand around his throat, and held her face close to his, her expression turning nasty.

"What I will do, moron, is I will burn you from the inside out with my hellfire because I am a Morningstar and you are just a serf so tell me where my father, Lucifer is, or I'll be all too tempted to see how hellfire looks on you. Got it?"

He nodded rapidly and lifted his shaking hand that pointed towards a gold gilded door.

"The throne room's in there" he said, his voice quivering. "That's where you'll find the Morningstars."

Ness nodded.

"Good boy" she smiled, before gesturing to Izzy and Raph, who were gaping at her with dazed expressions. "Come on then."

They snapped out of their shock and followed her quickly.

"Hell, you were scary" Izzy breathed, and Raph nodded in agreement.

"No, I wasn't" Ness shrugged bashfully, but secretly, she was pleased.

As they entered the throne room, Ness was taken aback by the splendour of it all- everything was gold and black, with red velvet settees to lounge on and a large dining table with two large, intricate chairs at either end. There were also two large throne, gothic style, adorned with velvet and silk pillows and red velvet upholstery, and seated in one was a supremely handsome man with dark hair and eyes.

The man turned to her and a grin lit up his chiselled face.

"Persy!" he exclaimed in a sharp British accent. "You came!"

"Because you kidnapped my friend" she replied scornfully. "And you know perfectly well that that isn't my name."

"But of course, it is darling" he said, leaning forward. "That was the name your mother and I gave you."

"The name I dropped when you abandoned me to live out my days in the fucking Seelie court" she spat, her voice curt and cold. "I'm not here for you, Dad."

The way she said it made it sound like an insult.

"I'm here for Alec, who you so charmingly kidnapped and for what reason did you say? That you were bored?" she continued, growing angrier by the word. "I mean you're ridiculous!"

"That's no way to speak to your father" he snapped, his voice changing from warm to dangerous.

"What are you gonna do, leave me?" she mocked sarcastically. "Oh no, whatever shall I do?"

Lucifer pursed his lips.

"I take your point, Pers- Venus" he nodded begrudgingly. "But I need you to help me with something." 

"And you'll give me Alec back if I help you?" she clarified, and he nodded.

"Of course," he nodded, and Ness narrowed her eyes, but before she could speal, in walked a bewitchingly beautiful raven-haired woman, which shockingly bright indigo eyes. She only looked about twenty-five or six, but Ness sensed that she was much older.

she seemed weirdly familiar.

"This is my wife, Lillith" Lucifer explained. "Lily, this is-"

"Persy" Lillith whispered, her indigo eyes filling with tears. "Oh, my stars, Persy, you've come back to me. My very own baby girl."

Ness stood frozen in shock, and stared at Lillith.

This was her mother. 

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