Chapter Thirty-Two

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(im sorry this took so long, but it's twice as long as most of the chapters! lemme jus warn y'all- you're in for a BUMPY ride! anyway, sotc is clocks by coldplay. love you & happy reading <3)

Ness leaned her head back against the wall and gulped back the huge salty tears that were threatening to spill.

So much for family.

The room was cold and dark, the corners decorated with lacey cobwebs, and the smell of must and mould was so poignant that she thought she might be sick. The walls had once been sandstone, but now they were almost completely green with mould, and there was one small window, far too high for her to even consider escaping from. There was a single stripped, rickety camp bed, which she was sat on, and she had no intention of getting up from. Why should she? Not like anyone was around for her to threaten.

Besides, they'd broken her arm, so she couldn't even use her hellfire on them. She was far too weak.

She despised being weak.

"Come get me Alec" she whispered into the grimy darkness. "Please come get me."

But Alec wasn't coming, and Ness felt horrible, because she'd probably never see his beautiful face again, and she felt awful for cutting him off before he could say that he loved her, because she loved him, and she didn't care about astrology or psychology, she loved him, she was in love with him, and she'd do anything for him, anything for Alec Lightwood, because he was troubled and kind and haughty and sweet and serious and funny and he was all she could and would ever want in the world. He completed her, he made her feel not like the quiet, bitchy Venus, but like the vibrant, social Ness that all of the Shadowhunters knew.  

Even though he made her madder than she had ever felt before, and annoyed her to the ends of the Earth, and drove her deluded with his innate seriousness, it just made her love him even more.

I love you I love you I love you.

"Morningstar!" came a gruff voice from outside her prison.

She didn't move.

"Morningstar! You are needed!" he shouted, rattling the door of the cell so hard that she heard the ancient bolts jangle, protesting furiously at their awakening from the blanket of rust that covered them.

She still didn't move.

"Perseph-" the man began again, his gravelly voice a roar, when a smooth male voice cut over him.

"Thank you, Jack, I can take it from here" it interrupted with a chuckle, the voice velvety and mellow, and there was a gravelly grunt from the other, before the sound of sulky footsteps departing floated into the cell.

"Honestly" said the velvet voice again. "I know he's a beabea but seriously! At-tee-tude am I right?"

"A what?" blurted Ness.

So much for sulking.

"A beabea" said the voice, incredulous. "You know, like a beamon? You do know what a beamon is, don't you?"


"Of course, I do!" she argued.

"So, what is it then?" 

"It's a type of demon" she fibbed smoothly. "Everybody knows that."

There was a pause from the other end.

"You have no idea what it is, do you?" the voice chuckled, sounding amused.

"Um, no."

The voice moved closer, until Ness could see its fangs through the chinks of the door.

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