Chapter Seventeen

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(hello loves! sotc is the bidding by tally hally <3 and i'll be posting izzy outfits down below. happy reading!!)

(if you were to call me basic, you'd be 100% right but chile anyways this is izzy's outfit^)

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(if you were to call me basic, you'd be 100% right but chile anyways this is izzy's outfit^)

July, this year

Isabelle fluffed up her dark hair in the mirror, and rubbed her gloss covered lips together in the mirror with a smile. She grabbed her training bag from the table and slung it over her shoulder, as she turned to the door. She walked down the clean, marble-floored hallway. Almost everything in Idris was made of marble or sandstone, so the whole place always looked bright and clean.

She passed Aline Penhallow in the hall and shot a quick smile in her direction as she continued down to the breakfast hall. When she arrived, she caught Courtney Lovelace's eye, and Court gestured for Izzy to join her. She went over to the table, and slid onto the bench beside Jemma Carstairs, Lila-Beth Branwell and Courtney sitting opposite her.

The girls were all from good Shadowhunter families, so it made sense for them to be together. They were elite in a sense, but Izzy couldn't care less about the social ins and outs of everything. She was just friendly with everyone, commended for her bluntness and honesty, and wicked sense of humour. For four girls who were so similar, they all looked completely different.

Isabelle, with her dark eyes, sharp features and chin length dark hair was striking, to say the least. She looked a little dangerous, with her dark liner and arched eyebrows but her sharp features reflected how sharp she really was. Izzy Lightwood was funny, but you couldn't call her an idiot.

Courtney was your typical blonde bombshell; she was everything pale pink and bubble-gum and had soft brown eyes that made boys fall all over her. She was soft where Izzy was sharp, playing dumb with her soft little laugh, and her catchphrases; "God, I'm so dumb" or "That's totally crazy!" or her personal favourite "Omigod, I just wanna party!". But Courtney wasn't the idiot- anyone who fell for her act was. She was the smartest person the Izzy knew, and she was a master social manipulator, somehow getting whatever, she wanted out of you without realising you'd given it to her. It was quite poetic really.

Jemma was pretty in a mean kind of way. Her almond eyes were hazel and permanently narrowed, scanning you for a weakness that she could jab out and sting when she needed to. Her dark hair was always pin straight, and her clothes were always tailored an ironed. She was she most put together person Izzy ever met.

Lila-Beth lived up to her sweet name; she was the nicest person you could ever come across. She'd help anyone and anything if they asked her, and she'd do it totally willingly. She had soft brown hair and kind blue eyes, and was the smallest of the group, standing at only five-foot-three. She had a beautiful smile, and her kindness drew girls and boys alike to her, just like a moth drawn to a flame.

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