Chapter Fourteen

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(hii!  before you get into th chapter i just wanted to include a little background for our newest addition to the family, Miss Lexi Leroux! she's gonna play a big part in the story, and also is a love interest for one of the characters so look forward! i'm also gonna put her chart so you can see what kinda girl she is. sotc is bad guy by billie eilish, i'm sure you'll see why soon :) make sure to vote if you're enjoying, because it really helps with algorithm <3 i love you all so so so much, and happy reading!)

Her Chart

scorpio sun

capricorn moon

aries ascendant

scorpio mercury

scorpio venus

leo mars

(happy reading!)

The girl smirked as she walked down the corridor, flicking her dark braids over her shoulder as she strutted. She knew that everyone's eyes were on her, but she was indifferent to what anybody thought of her, because she knew that they knew that she was the best at what she did and looked even better doing it.

She spotted Bryce, who was sauntering as always, and threw a wink in his direction. He grinned back as she caught up with him, no haste in her step at all, and they fell into step together as they walked down the red lit hallway.

"So, how did it go then?" he asked, his tone mild enough, but she saw right through it. Although they were friendly enough, everything was a competition with Bryce. They'd always been pitted against each other, since they could barely even walk, so there'd always been an unspoken rivalry between the two of them. She didn't care, of course. She knew that she was effortlessly better than him.

"It was cool" she shrugged, disinterested. "Although, you should have seen his face when I started nit-picking all of his insecurities" she added with a scoff, and then pouted mockingly. "I though poor baby was going to blubber and then where would we be?"

"You're so mean, Alexis" he replied with a laugh, shaking his head. "And what did you do with the girl then." 

"I dunno, just grabbed her memories and left" she shrugged. "She's probably sitting in an alley somewhere. The vamps will find her, no doubt, and you know those Downworlders. They stick with each other, don't they?"

"Whereas you wouldn't piss on me if I was on fire" Bryce joked, and she shrugged, looking him blankly.

"I'd probably the be one who lit the match."

Bryce elbowed her, and she just smiled serenely, because she knew if it ever came down to getting what she wanted, she'd be first in line to take Bryce down, because Alexis Leroux got what she wanted, no matter how much she had to do to get it.

As they reached her doorway, she flashed Bryce a quick, alluring smile, and he instantly fell under her spell, just like anyone did when she smiled at them, and smiled adoringly at her.

"Night, Bry" she smirked, running her tongue over her top teeth and trying not to laugh at his moony eyes.

"Night, Lexi" he breathed, making her roll her brown eyes and press her red lips together, suppressing a laugh. She opened her door and stepped inside her room, her heeled boots clacking on the floor as she entered and shut the door behind her with a small laugh. 

Men. They really were shallow.

Lexi smirked to herself and she shrugged off her leather jacket, exposing her golden-brown shoulders and silky scarlet camisole, the spaghetti straps standing barely noticeable. It wasn't silk-y actually, it was silk, because Lexi would never settle for anything but the best. They had to give her the best, because she had everyone wrapped around her finger. Being the best demon assassin in one hundred years certainly had its perks. 

She kicked off her boots and padded into her scarlet lit bathroom, flicking on her CD player and turning on the taps of her huge black marble bath. She poured some of her favourite "Scarlet Letter" bubble bath into the water and pulled her long black hair into a coil on top of her head. She pulled the bottle of her favourite Dom Perignon champagne from one of the gleaming black shelves and poured it into the flute that she always had ready and took a sip with a small smirk. 

Lexi loved the luxury that came with being indestructible.

She stepped into the steaming hot bath, leaning her head back against the cool marble and taking a slow sip from her flute of champagne. This bath was designed to completely sooth the aching joints that came from days and days of training for the Cacciatore.

The Cacciatore were pretty much the opposite of the Shadowhunters. They were demons with pure demon blood, and because of this, they were stronger and faster than the Nephilim could ever pretend to be. There were no rules or Accords for the Cacciatore; they did what they wanted to get what they wanted, and if you were good enough, you got treated like Lexi did. She was the strongest, fastest and smartest, and because of this she got to live a life of luxury. They were nothing if not fair, but the VIP treatment didn't come from nowhere.

Lexi had worked her ass off to get where she was today; late nights of research, training pretty much constantly and killing more people than she could count were only some of the things that she'd done to be accepted into the elite part of the organisation. It had payed off though.

She was treated like royalty, so as well as looking like a princess she could act like one too. Aside from that, she could pull anyone she wanted with one smile and get anything she wanted with a snap of her fingers.

Byrce was her only real competition, but if she just kept up what she was doing now, he'd never come close to her. Lexi was a bad girl, and played dirty when she needed to, though she never got blood on her hands.

She was an artist at what she did, and that was why everyone admired her so much.

Her door opened and she glanced up with her usual little smirk. The dark-haired man smiled down at her and strolled in, leaning against her wall with his arms folded.

"Hey, Lu" she greeted, and he rolled his eyes fondly in response.

"You know I hate that nickname" he complained, but Lexi just laughed.

"What would you rather me call you?" she pondered, sarcastically. "Lucy? Sissy? Lululemon, like those awful human leggings? Ooh, I think Lulu is a winner!"

"You know you're impossible" he observed dryly, his British accent lazily cutting his vowels. She shrugged.

"I take pride in it."

"I came to ask about the mission" he explained, with a smile. "How did it go? Or do I even need to ask?"

"They're completely spooked. I knocked her out, obviously, because you wanted her alive, but I cut his throat."

"Not fatally, I assume?"

"Merely a flesh wound" she confirmed, and he nodded thoughtfully.

"Good. You've done well" he replied approvingly, and Lexi allowed herself a small smile. "What do you want as your reward, then?"

"I want..." she tapped her scarlet fingernails on her glass, mulling it over. "Priority. On the project. I want to be the main agent."

"I can arrange that" he nodded. "Can I ask why?". Lexi chuckled.

"Because Shadowhunters are sexy" she shrugged. "And I want to have fun". He rolled his eyes again.

"I'd be cross if you weren't the best". Lexi took a sip and shrugged.

"Good job I am then, isn't it?" 

(also, lmk if you want me to start posting their outfits at the start of the chapter for visualisation purposes. hope you love lexi as much is i do!)

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