Chapter Twenty-Two

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(look at me, actually posting! very proud of myself xx sotc is daddy issues by the neighbourhood. happy reading!)

"A Morningstar?" Alec scoffed. "What are you, crazy?"

Brown shook his head.

"The DNA matches" he shrugged, and Alec pursed his lips.

"What the hell is a morning star?" Ness interrupted incredulously. "Some like...race of Downworlder?"

Alec glanced at Brown. 

"Do you think you could give us a minute?" he asked, and Brown nodded hastily and left the room.

"You've seriously never heard of the Morningstars?"

Ness shook her head sincerely.


"I won't tell him"

"I'm not lying Alec" she hissed through gritted teeth. "Now tell me who or what the hell a Morningstar is!"

Alec took a deep breath in.

"I don't know if I-"

"Tell me, Alec or I swear to-"

"All right, I'll tell you" he yelled. "Jesus Blondie" he continued, calming down slightly. "Don't go crazy on me."

"I'm trying not to." 

"Sorry, sorry."

"Get telling."

"I'm assuming you've heard of the devil, yeah?"


"Well, he's named Lucifer. And Lucifer means the morning star. So, he took it as his surname."

"So, Morningstar..."

"It's not a person, or a thing. It's a surname. And according to Brown, it's your surname too."

"That's ridiculous" she argued, shaking her head. "Crazy. Completely off the wall."

"They did the tests Blondie" he said softly. "Your DNA matches."

She stared at him for a minute before her lip began to tremble.

"No no no no no no" she denied, furiously, her voice cracking as she spoke. "He's not my father. Satan or Lucifer or whatever he's called. No. There's no way. No"

He wrapped his arms around her, and she burst into tears.


(sots is hypnotic. hope ur enjoying!!!)

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(lexi's fit <3)

An Apartment in New York

"Thanks for letting me hide out here" said Jace, and Lexi shrugged.

"It's cool" she said. "Least I can do, considering you betrayed all of your friends."


"Why not?" she retorted instantly. "You did it, Herondale. Own it."

Jace poured his glass of champagne and offered the one he had poured for Lexi to her. She grinned and clinked it off of his.

"Cheers, Herondale" she smirked, and Jace grinned and clinked his glass back.

"Cheers Leroux."

The pair went over to the couch and Lexi eyed Jace with amusement.

"That scarf really isn't your colour, JJ" she pouted, and he rolled his eyes.

"You know why I have to wear it" he said, and she rolled her beautiful eyes and scoffed.

"Not with me" she whispered and Jace smiled. She trailed her finger along his defined jaw smiling. "I know what you are, Herondale. You're bad, like me. You are the antagonist. Much more fun than being the hero, isn't it?" she murmured. 

Jace nodded slowly. 

"I'd rather the hero than the villain" he smirked, and Lexi grinned and leaned in, pulling away the scarf.

"Embrace it, Jace" she goaded. "Embrace what you are. Let the bad in. We could have so much fun together, you and me. I know how much you love to kill..."

Jace licked his upper lip, trying to stop the mean smirk from spreading over his face.

"You're the antagonist" she continued. "The hot one, at that." 

Jace laughed and kissed, feeling her triumphant grin on his lips.

"Let me see it" she whispered, and Jace turned his head, showing the back of his now exposed neck. Lexi smirked at the sight of the fresh red mark that graced his pale skin in the shape of a "C".

"You're one of us now" she whispered. "You're my Cacciatore partner." 

Jace turned around and kissed her, pushing her down onto the luxurious couch.

"I'm all yours now, Alexis" he whispered, and she smiled widely.

"But I'll never be all yours" she smirked and he merely shrugged.

"I don't care. You're mine for now."

Lexi nodded happily and ran her finger lovingly over his Cacciatore mark.

"You made the right choice, Jace."

"I know." 

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