Chapter Twenty-Nine

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(hey! look at me, actually being on track for once in my life. yayy! i'm also wondering id we should lowkey change the format- like say "29" and actually naming the chapter, as opposed to "chapter twenty nine" and not naming it. lmk what u thinkkk <3 sotc is sugar, by robin schulz ft franceseco yeats, and Ness' fit is below. happy reading <3)

 happy reading <3)

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(there's her fit....hehe x)

Ness had to admit, the phone call from Lexi had spooked her, but there wasn't really a whole lot that she could do about it. Lexi had given her Enyo's cell number, so Ness had planned to call her.

But later.

Right now, shallow as it seemed, she needed to find a turtleneck. 

She grabbed and towel and wrapped it around herself, being careful not to drip on the pristine wooden floor as she padded over to her wardrobe. Pulling open the door, she rooted through her messy pile of clothes frantically, trying not to laugh. She's never done this before; Ness wasn't one to hide anything. But the marks that bloomed on her neck only told anyone who looked two things- that she's given in, and that she cares. And that just wasn't how she wanted to be especially not today. 

Bingo she thought, as she spotted a black turtleneck jumper. It was ugly, but she could layer it.

You're going to look like such a dumbass, it's July.

But if Ness had to pick between her ego, and roasting to death, you'd best bring her the nearest furnace.

Ness ran the hairdryer over her blonde curls one final time, before pinning her hair at the back of her neck, like she always did when she was too lazy to straighten it. She was roasting already, so stars help her when she went outside.

Knock went her door. It wasn't a light knocking, like Izzy would knock, it wasn't an obnoxious knocking, like Jace would knock, and if it was Magnus, he'd either pound on it loud enough to wake the dead, or wouldn't bother to knock at all. Which mean it was only one person. 

"Come in" she called, and in he walked, her very own American dream, with his hair tousled and his eyes bright, with a smirk on his face that made her breath hitch in her chest. He wasn't just hot, but he was beautiful too, with the small gold flecks in his eyes, and his olive skin, and the little smile that played at the edge of his lips when he tried not to laugh.

"Oh my god, here we have the elusive Ness Birch in her natural habitat" he quipped sarcastically, and she rolled her eyes and tried not to look at him. She knew that if she did, she'd just get lost all together, and she didn't fancy being weighed down by the golden honey is his eyes.

"Shut up" she said, turning to the mirror and fixing her hair. "Why are you here pestering me, anyway? Shouldn't you be training or something?"

"Took time out of my day to come irritate you" he shrugged. "Interesting attire for July, I might add."

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