Chapter 25 ~ Duel for your Life

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"Did anyone predict a storm today?" Crow asked his friends as he looked outside a window at the sky. It was dark outside, and mysteriously so. The clouds were a deep murky grey, almost black and it one could mistake it for having been night time, even though it was only meant to be midday. 

"Not me, perhaps the weather channels didn't pick one up? They can sometimes spring out of nowhere." Jack suggested.

"This is unusual though, it happened way too quickly, something is off about this." Yusei added, sensing something wasn't right. He hadn't been home for too long before the dark clouds suddenly swarmed the sky.

As if on cue of his words all three boys cursed under their breaths as they gripped their arms in pain. Their signer marks burned furiously and bright indicating a great danger. 

"What is going on?!" Crow exclaimed.

A video call came in on their TV screen, when they answered, Akiza appeared and she was as surprised and flustered as the boys.

"Guys what's happening, are your marks burning too?! I left the duel academy and came straight to my runner as soon as it happened, should I head to you guys?" Akiza asked desperately, panic clear in her voice.

"There's nothing at our place that I can see-" Yusei started but cut himself off abruptly, sudden realisation hitting him, and it showed on his face. 

"What is it Yusei? What's wrong?" Akiza questioned.

"Leo and Luna haven't tried to call us, nor has Aria and she's with them at their house." Yusei stated.

Everyone's eyes widened as realisation hit them also, they understood that the twins and Aria had to have been targeted and they needed to try to get to them as soon as they could, they had no way of knowing if they were in a duel or not, if it had started or finished because of the dark duellists power to duel trapped in time. All they knew was that all of them had to get to Leo and Luna's house and fast.

Akiza could be seen on the screen snapping on her helmet through her duel runner camera.

"I'll head there right now, I should get there first as I'm closer, you guys come too and I'll update you when I get there!" Akiza shouted and cut the call.

All the boys nodded to each other and raced to the garage and jumped on their runners. Yusei sped off before Jack and Crow had a chance to start their engines but they soon followed suite. 

Sweat dripped down Yusei's forehead as stress, anger and fear boiled through him. He was terrified, terrified for the safety of his friends as guilt struck through him, he felt as though he should never have left them alone and maybe they wouldn't have been targeted or if they were then he could have helped. Determined however, he kept his eyes forward as the wind rushed through him and the others as they raced on the runners to make it to the twin's house.

Hang in there guys, we're coming...Yusei thought to himself, tightening his grip on the handles of his runner. 


LP -

Ryuu - 9500

Leo - 1000

Luna - 3000

Aria - 2000

Leo and Luna's signer marks glowed and burned furiously as they breathed heavily, Aria gazed between them in worry, the duel had worn them out severely. Ryuu was far stronger than any of the dark duellists any of them had faced before, even more so than Namira. Each time the twins or Aria had a strategy, Ryuu countered it and they only just were able to deflect some attacks from his monsters and traps. It felt like they were walking on egg shells in this duel and with each step their life points kept going down and they struggled to get them back up again. Ryuu's life points however climbed to extraordinary levels and he was relishing in his success in the duel.

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