Chapter 32 ~ Is this what you want?

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Aria rode her duel runner around all the outskirts of the city, in search of any area that looked remotely suspicious that could have served as the dark duellists hide out. She grew increasingly frustrated the longer her search went on when she suddenly felt an intense burning on her arm. Grinding her vehicle to a halt she looked and saw her mark was glowing, and she felt the intense urge to go north of the city. 

"Is that where they are, Crimson Dragon?" Aria asked aloud, certain the great deity could hear her.

Her mark seemed to respond, burning just ever so slightly more and glowing brighter.

"Right, seems I must go there, and get there before Yusei catches up to stop me."

Aria drove her runner around the city and continued northwards, there wasn't much except for a main highway which felt suspiciously empty. The further she travelled the darker it seemed to get, this confused her because she knew it was morning time, but within the blink of an eye it seemed to be night time again. Her mark continued to glow and burn, telling her she was on the right track. 

"Seems these guys surround their hideout with darkness, how fitting for them." Aria spat. 

After a few more minutes Aria could see a house on the horizon, the closer she got the larger it appeared and it became clear to her it was more like a mansion. Once she was about a quarter of a mile away she came to a stop once she heard a ringing come through to her duel runner. It was from Yusei, she debated simply hanging up on him, still reeling with guilt over what happened, but another part of her told her it was perhaps a good idea to let him know what was happening.

The whole future of the world is at stake, I can't let my feelings get in the way of me doing the right thing and having help from him.

"Hey, Yusei." Aria spoke into the transceiver, nerves evident in her shaky voice, she was ready for a verbal smack to the face for leaving and not saying anything.

"Aria, where the hell are you?!" Yusei yelled.

"If I tell you, you can't be mad. Or well, I guess you can but it won't matter anyway." Aria squinted from Yusei's yelling through the speaker but answered him swiftly.

Over on Yusei's end he had managed to gather all the signers together and they were anxiously awaiting to find out where she was. Akiza piped in before Yusei could.

"Aria, you've got us all worried sick, what exactly are you up to, why would you leave the boy's place without saying anything."

Aria sighed heavily, knowing she couldn't tell the entire truth.

"Look, I just felt like I needed some air but that's not important right now, what is, is where I am now. I think the Crimson Dragon has lead me to the Dark Duellist's hide out." 

"The what! Why would the Crimson Dragon take you there by yourself?" Yusei added with intense worry.

"Look I don't know that right now Yusei, but clearly the Crimson Dragon wants me here for a reason, I'm going to see what I can find in this place." Aria explained, keeping her eyes on the large, eerie looking mansion in front of her.

"Where exactly even is that place." Aria heard Leo's voice come through the speaker.

"Yeah, if we all go there together, it will be safer." Luna added.

"Look guys, I'm sorry, but I'm doing this alone, unless the Crimson Dragon gives a signal to you guys otherwise." 

Before any of the group could protest Aria hung up her duel runners transceiver and started driving closer to the mansion, it gave her uncomfortable chills to be so close to it but she kept her cool. Meanwhile, her friends were anything but.

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