Chapter 31 - New Challenges

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Aria had awoken during the first light of dawn, the sun shone through the window and warmed her face. Slightly dazed at first she sat up and looked around, finding Yusei's sleeping form next to her. It didn't take long for her to remember the explicit events of the previous night and guilt wrecked throughout her soul. She made love to Yusei, she touched him, he touched her, they had sex, she couldn't believe she allowed herself to be so intimate with Yusei even though she had convinced herself to do it. The tears fell down as she sobbed silently.

"Oh Ra why, why must it be this way?", Aria whispered to herself.

Without much hesitation Aria pulled the covers back off her body, moving ever so slowly so she didn't wake Yusei. She briskly grabbed her fallen clothes and put them on, fumbling around as tears blurred her vision making the task difficult. Once she was done, she turned to look at Yusei, who was still resting, using her sleeve to mop up her tears.

"I'm so sorry." Aria muttered, her voice barely higher than a whisper. 

She left Yusei's room and managed to make her way through the house almost silently. She knew the others wouldn't be awake yet as it was still very early. She hurried down to the living room where she'd normally sleep and placed on her boots and her jacket. Lastly, she took her helmet in her hands, staring at her reflection on the surface of it in shame before placing it over her head and heading towards the garage.

"This isn't right, I can't do this anymore...boys, Yusei, I'm so sorry. I can't deceive you anymore, I deserve to face this on my own."


"I won't ask you to tell me again Namira...where were you that night!" Ryuu shouted at the top of his voice to his daughter as he paced violently back and forth, his red eyes glowing brighter with his anger.

"Father...I told you, I was here, I never left the house."

"Then why were you not here when I got back, we've been at this long enough, there was no trace of you. DO NOT LIE TO ME! WHERE WERE YOU!" Ryuu snapped and as he did so slapped his daughter across the face.

Namira showed no signs of pain, simply shaking her head as if to brush off the sudden contact.

"Father, I was in my room the entire time, the others told you so as well, I was simply practicing my skills of disappearance."

"Which you know is forbidden within the house, everyone knows their place here, especially you! Why should I believe this nonsense?" 

"I was feeling rebellious, but besides, with our enemy seemingly becoming more difficult to defeat, I thought the practice would come in handy, make a surprise attack easier." Namira shrugged nonchalantly as she gave her father her answer. 

"I'm tired of this and your attitude, whether you are telling the truth or not, you shall not leave this place without an escort!"

"What! I am not a child!"

"No, but you cannot be trusted. Now get out of my sight!"

Namira left her father's chamber gruffly and walked down the hall, when she made her way through the maze of hallways and stairs she got to the other side of the mansion, where leaning against a wall, were her three companions.

"That's the last time we cover for you like that, don't you understand he could have had all our heads if he knew what you did?!" Sidero whisper yelled, afraid that even on the other side of the house that he could be heard, gesturing to Kek and Manson.

"You all know my father has taken this whole thing too far, he tried to murder two small children in a fire, two of the signers no less, if you truly were on his side, you would have told him the truth the moment he asked. We are messing with time, I see now that that ought not to be meddled with, how do you know father won't have rid of all of us if he succeeds with his plan hmm? Or that it somehow won't go wrong and that all of us won't be trapped somehow?"

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