Chapter 14 ~ More Worrying

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Yusei, Jack, Crow and Aria were all back at the warehouse. They spent several days thinking over the recent duel and trying to see what they could figure out about this new enemy. They all knew one thing for sure, they could somehow slow down or even stop time from flowing outside a duel, and that made them dangerous. They just didn't know how they were able to do this or why.

Aria paced back and forth across the living room, fiddling with the hem of her shirt as thoughts rushed through her mind like raging river water. She was extremely anxious and worried, she wanted so badly to be able to figure out everything that had happened thus far but she couldn't and it frustrated her, she felt so helpless.

"You okay there?" a gentle, concerned voice somewhat pulled Aria's attention from her thoughts but with a quick, quiet mumbled answer her mind went back to them again and she kept walking.


Suddenly she felt a force on her shoulders and was snapped out of her trance to see Yusei standing in front of her, both hands placed on her shoulders as he made her movements come to a halt. His deep blue eyes looked at her seriously as she stared back, jaw drooped slightly, too stunned to say anything. Yusei closed his eyes and shook his head as he took a deep sigh before speaking, not moving his hands from where they were.

"Aria listen, I know you're scared, I am too. We all are, but you can't be doing this to yourself. That guy we duelled, the people we've yet to meet and fight, there is no way we can figure this out overnight, don't try and force yourself to do so. As much as you may hate it, it's going to be a matter of waiting and seeing where they show up next, or at least where the next clue does." 

Aria closed her eyes and took a deep breath before slowly nodding, and after some time, opened her eyes to look at Yusei.

"I'm sorry Yusei, I just...I can't stand all of this. Not knowing who I am, who this enemy really is. Not to mention I worry any one of you could get hurt at any given time and there could be nothing I can do to help."

"You place too much responsibility on yourself. I know how frustrating this all is for you, especially concerning your memory, but we will figure it out. I don't know how yet but we will, just trust me." 

"...Okay" Aria heavily sighed but mustered up a smile as best she could. Yusei gently tapped her shoulder before heading over to the duel runners in the garage. 

"Think fast!" Yusei called before tossing something in her direction.

"Woah!" Aria gasped as she was caught off guard but just managed to catch what was thrown to her. Looking down she saw a duel disk in her hands.

"Why'd you throw this at me Yusei?" Aria asked, looking up from the duel disk in her hands to look at Yusei standing across the room at the entrance to the garage.

"Why do ya think?" Yusei asked, a smirk drawn on his lips with the expression on his face as if to say 'you really should know'.

"W-wait, you want to duel me?" Aria replied, highly surprised by his request.

"That's right. Don't act so surprised, Crow asked you to duel not long after you arrived to help take your mind off of things and that's exactly what I'm going to do. you accept my challenge?"

Aria took a moment to think, when she duelled she was like a different person, going from shy and anxious confident and brave, she had nothing to loose by duelling Yusei, except possibly the duel itself but why would that matter? Her lips curved i...

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Aria took a moment to think, when she duelled she was like a different person, going from shy and anxious confident and brave, she had nothing to loose by duelling Yusei, except possibly the duel itself but why would that matter? Her lips curved into a smile. 

"I do. Let's get ready then shall we?" Aria replied, securing the duel disk to her arm. She may have duelled with Yusei, but duelling against him she knew would be a different experience entirely.

Authors note: Hi guys, soooo sorry I haven't updated in a long time. Work and college have taken up a lot of time as have several personal matters at Home, I know this chapter isn't very long but I hope you still enjoyed it. I will try my best to continue to update for you guys. Hope you all understand x

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