Chapter 11 ~ First Sign of Danger

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Aria sat quietly on one of the benches next to Leo and Luna's pool whilst the others talked with the twins inside. Her mind kept going back to the conversation she had with Luna, she just couldn't fathom how her, a girl who can't even remember who she is, could possibly help stop whatever danger the Crimson Dragon sensed was on its way. Her mind travelled back to her two previous duels, after some thought she was able to admit to herself she was somewhat good, but that surely can't mean she's some hero? So much had happened since she just 'appeared' seemingly out of nowhere and it was all a lot for her to take in and think about. She sighed heavily, leaning back against the bench and absentmindedly looked around at her surroundings. A voice next to her shook her from her daydream.

"You thinking about what Luna said?" Yusei asked gently, keeping his voice low so as to not make Aria jump too much. He stood to the side, in front of the bench, hands tucked in his trouser pockets.  Aria looked up to meet his gaze.

"Huh? Oh, yeah." Aria paused, looking down at the ground as she let out another sigh before continuing. "I know what you said Yusei, but I just can't seem to figure this out. I guess I'm kinda good at duelling but" - "But you don't even know who you are so you don't feel like you could possibly be of any help?" Yusei interrupted and Aria let out a soft chuckle.

"Heh, you read my mind."

Yusei shook his head and sat down on the bench next to her.

"I've lost count of how many times you've practically said that you're useless. You've got to have more faith in yourself. That dream you had could have been the start of your memories returning, we might not know for certain if that's the case but the way you described it and how you felt seems to be too much to ignore. Either way, the Crimson Dragon senses something about you, and if what Luna says is right, you could be more important in stopping whatever danger we face than any of us know."

"How can any of us prepare for a danger when we don't know what it is, who it could be, when it will appear, or well, anything about it?"

Yusei chuckled and crossed his arms behind his head, leaning back against the bench, turning his gaze towards the sea blue sky.

"Trust me, I've fought against enough enemies, and nine times out of ten, we've not known much about them before the first encounter. That's probably not very reassuring but, whatever or whoever this danger is, we can stop it, that includes you."  

Yusei placed emphasis on his last word by gently poking Aria in the shoulder as he said it. 

Aria turned to look at him and smiled.

"Thanks Yusei, you're a good friend." 

"Thank you Ar-ARHHH!" Yusei halted his words when he felt a sudden and painful burning in his right arm, rolling his jacket sleeve up he found his signer mark glowing bright and the strong feeling inside that something wasn't right.

"Yusei are you okay?" Aria asked in a panic, placing a hand on his shoulder. 

"It's my mark, it senses something, and I don't think it's good." Yusei leapt off the bench and raced towards the others inside, Aria quick to follow behind him.

Everyone's marks were all glowing too and they looked panicked. The group received a video call to Leo and Luna's large television from Akiza, confirming that her mark too was glowing and burning with pain. 

"Something isn't right guys, are you experiencing the same thing I am?" Akiza exclaimed, raising her arm to display her signer mark, to which the other signers did the same in response.

"I feel a strong sense of danger, but I just can't feel where it's coming from." Jack said disgruntled with concern lacing his voice.

"Maybe we should split up, head to different parts of New Domino and the Satellite, see what we can find?" Crow suggested before adding on, "I can stay here with Leo and Luna and make sure they're safe, I'll let you all know if anything happens here." The group agreed with Crow that this was the best plan. 

"Stay safe, all of you." Akiza ordered before hanging up and grabbing her duel runner.

Yusei, Aria and Jack all ran outside after bidding Crow and the twins goodbye. Jumping on his duel runner he turned to Aria and held out his hand for her to join him, he looked into her eyes with a serious stare, whatever the danger was, he meant business, he knew they had to find them, or it, no matter what.  

"Lets go, we've got a job to do." 


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