Chapter 19 ~ Girls Day Out!

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A few days had passed since Aria's and Jack's duel with another mysterious dark duellist. Said days were uneventful for the most part. There strangely had been no signs of their new enemy since their last encounter, whilst this gave the group some time to recuperate and relax somewhat, it left them in the dark completely about what might happen next to them. 

Aria had been invited to go out into New Domino City with Akiza and Luna for a girl's day out, the two of them didn't get to hang out as just themselves without Leo or the other boys and since Aria met them the three had never spent sometime as just them, not that they had the time to with what was going on. They wanted to take the day as an opportunity to relax and have fun before anything else bad happened. 

The bright market stalls, echoes of people's chit chat, ambient shop music, the hustle and bustle of city life, to Aria it was a breath of fresh air and a real chance to relax and not have to think about her worries, even if it was just for a day.

"Hey look! A new card shop let's check it out!" Luna called out to Aria and Akiza who were both preoccupied with window shopping at the clothes shop across the street from her. The two girls nodded to each other and headed in Luna's direction. 

"Let's see what this shop has to offer then shall we, think you'll buy anything Aria?" Akiza asked as they walked into the small store.

"I'm not sure, perhaps, if anything peaks my interest." Aria responded as they slowly browsed the monster card aisle.

Even though the shop was small, the variety of cards was rather good and Aria enjoyed checking them all out, talking about them all with her friends and seeing if she would consider buying any. 

"See anything you like Aria?" Luna asked, walking over to her.

"Not really, they're all cool cards and all, none of them seem to speak to me is all- Oh wait, what's that?" Aria stopped herself when she suddenly spotted a dragon card. 

"This dragon monster looks awesome, and there's a tuner monster here too that would be perfect to synchro summon it with." Aria exclaimed with excitement.

"Well I think Aria has found what she wants to get, come on girl get over to the checkout" Akiza said, gently pushing her over to the till area.


After leaving the store the three girls took some more time to wander around the city before relaxing at a quiet park. Aria felt so happy she forgot for a while she even had any worries, she deeply appreciated the girls for offering to take her out. Their peaceful time in the park was short lived however when they heard some cries and shouting coming from nearby. They all stood from the bench they were sat at and gathered up their cards they were looking at.

"What's happening do you suppose?" Luna asked concerned.

"I don't know but we'd best find out, someone might be in trouble." Aria responded as they quickly ran out in search of the noise. Before long they came across what seemed to be a crowd of teenage boys surrounding what seemed to be a much younger kid, about 10 years old on the floor crying. With one of boys, whom the girls guessed was the leader, calling him names and kicking him, with his friends egging him on.

"Haha, you loser, did you honestly think you could beat me in a duel, now come on, cough up your card so I can rip it up, that was the deal you little-" The boy couldn't finish his sentence as he was shoved hard across the ground.

"Why don't you pick on someone your own size you turd, or better yet, pick on nobody!" Aria yelled standing firm in front of the kid on the floor with Akiza and Luna staring in awe at the sidelines. 

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