Chapter 12 ~ Red Eyes

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Yusei rode his duel runner around New Domino City, his mark seemed to be drawing him towards the Satellite,  his heart felt like it was beating as fast as his duel runner's speed and Aria who sat behind him wasn't any calmer. The closer he got to the satellite the more intense the burning from his mark became, fear and determination grew inside him; fear for his friends and everyone in the satellite who could be in danger, determination as he knew he would stop at nothing to keep them safe. He felt even more reassured having Aria by his side, seeing her duelling skills he knew having her with him would make them a formidable team. 

As he drove close to his home, it instantly became shrouded in a thick, dark fog which had an eerie red hue to it. 

Skidding to a halt on his duel runner, he stepped off, lifting off his helmet he stared at the barrier of mist before him. Aria stepped off the duel runner and jogged to his side, the same feeling and expression of confusion on her face.

"What is this?" Aria asked, worry clear in her tone.

"I don't know, but it's not good." Yusei responded.

"Hmmm", Aria hummed softly, eyebrows furrowed she lifted her hand towards the dark fog which flowed right through her fingers as she expected it to. Suddenly, she had an idea.

"Wait here Yusei."

"Huh? Wait Aria, where are you going?!" Yusei yelled after Aria and attempted to grab her arm but she slipped into the fog before he could get a hold of her. 

"Dammit!" He hissed under his breath. Pacing quickly towards and away from the edge of the fog he struggled to decide if he should go after her, the thoughts of wondering where Jack, Crow and Akiza were also crossed his mind. After what felt like an eternity but was only about thirty seconds later Yusei spun around hearing running steps behind him whilst his back was turned.

 After what felt like an eternity but was only about thirty seconds later Yusei spun around hearing running steps behind him whilst his back was turned

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"Aria is that you-oof!" Aria crashed into him before she could slow her speed. Yusei grabbed both her arms and steadied both himself and Aria so they wouldn't fall. Aria looked up at him, her cheeks growing red from embarrassment. Yusei looked at her sternly, keeping his hands on her arms, he told her firmly:

"Don't run off like that, something could have happened to you!" 

"I'm sorry Yusei...but I don't get it, I kept running straight on, how have I ended up back here when I kept going forward?" 

"Odd..." Yusei finally let go of Aria and the two looked at the fog again. 

"Where are the others? I would have thought their signs would have led them all here too?" Aria asked.

"That's what I was thinking." Yusei replied, worried for his friend's safety. He had no way of knowing what they were dealing with whilst he and Aria were at the edge of the satellite.

"Muahahaha. You won't make it out of this to find out you pathetic children." A sudden loud, deep, ominous voice echoed around them and the fog quickly circled around Aria and Yusei, trapping the two in a fog pen. The sun was blocked out and the space they were in glowed in a crimson red hue. 

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