Chapter 21 - The Gift

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It was a quiet night in the satellite. It was coming close to 3 months since the gang first met Aria and in that short amount of time she had become a close friend to all of them. Despite her hardships and still not having any clue of her memories besides what her dreams showed her, she remained strong when she needed to be, especially in their many moments of danger. Yusei admired her a lot for that and found her attitude as a person commendable. He often thought about what Crow had said to him.


"You like her don't you dude." Yusei was brought back to reality by the voice of his friend.

"Huh what?"

"I said, you like her don't ya Yusei." Crow stated, winking at his friend.

Yusei was taken aback, feeling heat rising in confusion and embarrassment to his face in response to Crow's assumption.

"Wh...what are you talking about Crow, haven't you been listening?"

"No, I've been watching." Crow answered, patting his friend on the shoulder and then leaving the kitchen to work on his runner in the garage, leaving a flustered Yusei to his thoughts. 

Yusei shook his head briskly, shaking the memory away as he felt heat rising to his face momentarily. In the couple of weeks after their conversation Yusei could not stop thinking about it, but he could not bring himself to mention anything about it to Aria, fearing it would make her deeply uncomfortable, especially if she had no feelings for Yusei in such a way. Yusei however could not deny to himself his own feelings, he did like her, more and more everyday, her caring, compassionate personality, whilst at times fiercely protective made her attractive to him in more than just a friendship or admiration way. Aside from her shining personality, Yusei couldn't help but take note of her looks, especially after their slightly awkward moment on the kitchen floor. The way her deep brunette locks flowed down her back or swirled in the wind, her glowing hazel eyes, her smooth looking skin and lightly tinted lips. Yusei had to sit down and rest his head in his hands in realisation. Crow was right, he really did like Aria.

"Dammit Crow." Yusei chuckled softly as he got back off the garage floor. 

It was late at night and Yusei was finishing up his special project. He had the room closed and soundproofed whenever he went in there, taking every precaution to not wake up everyone in the house to the sound of drilling and clunking of metal. Jack, Crow and the others were all aware of what Yusei had in store,  Aria however was not and Yusei made sure they all knew not to say anything and make sure she did not enter the garage until everything was completed, which at last now, it was. Yusei wiped the sweat from his forehead and rubbed the bags under his eyes before smiling proudly at his creation. He covered it with a protective blanket and called it a night. 


As the early morning sun's rays illuminated the house through the dusty glass windows, Aria stretched herself awake from her dreamless sleep, rubbing it out of her eyes she swung her feet over the edge of the bed to slowly stand. It wasn't long before she realised how quiet it was in the house, too quiet and a little unsettling for her liking. 

"Guys? Yusei, Crow, Jack? Hello?" She called out and waited for a response to which there was none.

"Odd, did they go out?" She spoke softly to herself, furrowing her eyebrows as she looked around.

On the kitchen counter she noticed a small post it note which read:

Look in the garage.

From the corner of her eye, she just about made out that the garage door was open, curious, she went over to see if anyone was in there. She guessed they probably weren't since if the door was open they'd surely hear her calling out. Slowly she made her way over to the door and peeked inside, she realised it was very dark, it appeared as though the only light entering the room was the small sun rays that made their way in through the slightly open door. 

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