Chapter 13 ~ What We're Up Against

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"We're going to win. You and me..."

Aria nodded, believing in Yusei's confidence and allowing herself to believe those words too.

"Alright then, you got something to defeat ol' Red Eyes over there?" Aria replied hopefully.

"Oh boy do I." Yusei answered, looking towards their enemy smugly.

"Ha, that's what you think, I lay one card face down and end my turn. It's over to you signer." The duellist almost spat saying the last word.

"I don't think, I know. I draw!" Yusei paused to take a look at the card he drew, and a clear smirk was drawn on his face. "I'm tuning my Junk Warrior with my Junk Synchron!" 

Aria's eyebrows raised intensely when she realised what Yusei was doing. He was synchro summoning, but what monster was it going to be? She just hoped it was going to be one that could win this fight.

Proudly holding his hand up high, Yusei revealed his synchro monster.

"I synchro summon, Stardust Dragon!" 

"I synchro summon, Stardust Dragon!" 

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"Woah...", Aria gazed in awe at the dragon, transfixed by it's stunning beauty. Many parts of it's body seemed to glitter and glow just like the stars in the sky and far away galaxies. 'Stardust Dragon' was certainly a fitting name. 

"Stardust Dragon! Attack Red Eyes Black Dragon!" Yusei commanded his beast.

"You signers. Pathetically overconfident! I activate my trap card! Mirror Force!" The enemy duelist yelled out. "Since your monster declared an attack, I can negate that attack and destroy all attack position monsters you control, your only one being your Stardust Dragon!"

"Oh no!" 

"Hold it right there! I activate a trap of my own, Synchro Deflector!" Aria piped in just when Yusei thought his Stardust was going to be destroyed just as he summoned it.

"With this card I can negate an attack targeted at a synchro monster either me or Yusei control, not only that, I can destroy one face up monster you control, and what is yours? Your Red Eyes Black Dragon! ...I was going to save this for if I needed to defend my Dragon should I have summoned it, but right now Yusei needed it more than I, I'm not about to let you destroy his dragon and have a chance at winning this duel!" 

"Thank you Aria" Yusei humbly spoke, nodding to her in appreciation.

"Don't sweat it, now lets see what Stardust can do! No interruptions this time!" Aria replied, smiling at Yusei and fist pumping the air before turning and giving a sly smirk at their opponent.

"You got it. You heard her Stardust, attack him directly! Cosmic Flare!" 

 You heard her Stardust, attack him directly! Cosmic Flare!" 

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Their opponents life points dropped to zero.

"Now, whoever you are, it's time for answers!" Yusei demanded but all he got in response was an annoyingly sarcastic laugh.

"You won't be getting any from me signer, nor will you girl. But rest assured, it won't be the last time you and your friends face us. This is just the beginning!" Their enemy cackled and with a swirl of dark smoke disappeared seemingly into thin air. Not long after that the dark black and crimson fog that surrounded them quickly dissipated, revealing their surroundings of the Satellite once again with clear blue skies. 

"You okay Aria?" Yusei asked, walking over to his friend. 

"A little shaken but I'm fine, what about you?" 

"I'm okay, listen, you were brilliant in there, I mean it, heck you saved stardust when it was about to get destroyed and that won us the duel."

"Th...thank you Yusei. But, we both won. You deserve just as much credit as I." 

The two hand hugged and soon heard the familiar sound of duel runners headed their way.

"Looks like they finally made it to the party." Aria joked. Soon Jack and Akiza both arrived, their signer marks leading them to Yusei and Aria. 

"You two look beaten up, what happened?" Akiza expressed with concern.

"We duelled the enemy, or the first of them at least." Yusei answered.

"What? You were in a duel? We only left Leo and Luna's like 10 minutes ago, just how quick did you beat them?" Jack exclaimed.

"What? It took me and Aria ten minutes to ride here but we've been duelling for a long while, that was no easy duel." Yusei was completely perplexed and confusion ran through his head trying to figure things out. He was shook out of his daydream by Aria gripping his arm and shaking it.

"Yusei, look..." Aria said, almost scared, as she pointed to an old but working clock stuck high up on a nearby wall. "The time is the same as it was before the duel started. No time has gone by since we were in there." 

Yusei's mouth gaped open in shock, Aria was right. For them it seemed like they were duelling for a long time, but on the outside, no time had passed.

"Are you telling me that our enemy, or enemies can mess with time?" Akiza questioned worriedly. 

Yusei sighed and nodded.

"Looks that way, what we're up against are no ordinary duellists, and certainly not like any of our past foes. They may be our most dangerous enemy yet. We need to be careful guys."


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