Chapter 18 ~ Where are they?

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"Nooooo!" Jack and Aria screamed as both their dragons were destroyed by their enemy's Red Eyes Dark Metal Dragon 

"You see, our Red Eyes Dragons are superior over your pathetic signer monsters! My monster's ability means for every other dragon type monster on the field, my dragon gains 500 attack points, that makes an increase of 1000 points, making it stronger than both of your beasts AND during it's first battle phase it can destroy all enemies dragon type beasts so long as it has higher attack points. So now, this duel is mine, you've not got your precious synchro dragons to protect you anymore and your life points are next to nothing!" The dark duellist laughed maniacally and victorious, certain victory was in his grasp.

(note: I believe this dragon is in games but idk about anime and I made up this ability for the story, hope this is okay with you all, if not and it pisses you off I'll happily alter this part of the story)

"Not if I can help it! I draw" Aria yelled furiously. 

"Yes! I use the spell card, monster reborn and bring back Jack's Red Dragon Archfiend!" 

"WHAT!" Both Jack and their enemy were dumbfounded.

"Jack, it's over to you!" Aria said, the turn turning to Jack.

"Aria, you brought back my dragon instead of your own, why'd you do that?"

"My dragon is strong, but Red Dragon Archfiend is the tougher one in this duel, you needed that monster revival more than me, now show him just what Archfiend can do!" 

"You got it!"

"But your monster is still weaker than mine!" The dark duellist interrupted.

"Not if I use this! I equip Red Dragon Archfiend with Dragon Nails! Increasing it's attack points by 600. Now Red Dragon Archfiend, attack!"

With a blast of super heated fire, the enemies dragon was destroyed and his life points put down to zero

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With a blast of super heated fire, the enemies dragon was destroyed and his life points put down to zero.

"You two will regret this. You won't keep winning forever, we will prevail!" The smoke engulfed the dark duellist and he disappeared, the mist soon clearing and Jack and Aria's vision soon returning. Jack swerved his duel runner to a halt in the middle of the bridge. 

"Well, we know this certainly won't be the last time we see one of those guys." Jack said with a huff, before gazing at his still glowing mark.

"Thanks by the way Aria, if it weren't for you, we'd have lost that duel." 

"No Jack, you're a strong duellist, you'd have been able to handle it without me."

"Oh get a grip and stop putting yourself down, when will you realise you are a strong duellist with great potential, with that move you pulled you literally saved us from Ra knows what fate that could have been in for us if we lost." Before sighing, Jack gave Aria a soft punch to the shoulder.

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