Chapter 9 ~ Meeting Martha

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It was morning time, and everyone in the house was busy doing their own thing, Jack, Crow and Yusei all were working on their runners, upgrading old parts and performing general maintenance. It was work Aria saw them do often in the short time she had been living with them. 

Must be real complicated equipment, Aria thought to herself as she glanced over to the boys whilst she washed up the breakfast plates. Since she hadn't got a job yet she settled for helping with most of the house chores to make up for it at least somewhat. 

Her and Yusei explained the dream she had to the other two when everyone was awake and they all agreed, like Yusei suggested to Aria when he talked to her hours earlier, that it wasn't something to take lightly, and could very well be a memory of hers but of course, they should wait and see what happens. 

As Aria finished up the washing she heard a small knock on the door, she looked over to the boys to see if they had heard it, but being in the garage using noisy tools and chatting to each other it didn't surprise her they didn't even turn their heads. Setting the last plate down Aria ran out of the kitchen and up the steps to the door and cautiously opened it, not knowing who was outside.

When she opened it, stood outside was a tanned woman with dark hair that hung to her shoulders. She looked at Aria surprised, but kindly.

"Oh, my dear, who would you be?" The lady asked raising an eyebrow in curiosity.

"My name is Aria Miss, I suppose you want to speak with one of the boys?"

"I do, my name is Martha by the way, it's lovely to meet you, are you a new friend of theirs?"

"You could say that, I'm actually living with them, for now at least, it's a umm, complicated story." Aria smiled awkwardly, rubbing the back of her head. "Why don't you come in? The boys are all working on their runners right now but I'm sure they'll be done soon."

Martha thanked her and followed her inside. Aria invited her to sit on one of the sofas (the sofa bed being folded away during the day) and went to make her some tea. Returning with two cups she set one down in front of Martha and sat opposite her. 

"Yusei told me about you Miss Martha, how you raised him and the others, you seem like a really lovely person

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"Yusei told me about you Miss Martha, how you raised him and the others, you seem like a really lovely person. It's great what you do for young people here, and everyone in general really." Aria spoke kindly.

"Oh, why thank you, you are very kind." Martha responded humbly. 

She glanced across the room, to the opening that lead to the garage. They couldn't see the boys from where they were sitting but they could hear the buzzing of drills, beeps from computers and the creeks from spanners on the wheels. She chuckled lightly and shook her head.

"Those boys are always working on those runners of theirs I bet." She spoke in an eye rolling tone before taking a sip from her cup.

Aria chuckled lightly in response. "Pretty often yeah. Must be important work to do though, they do spend a lot of time working on those duel runners."

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