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After Yusei and Namira's duel which resulted in Yusei winning. Everyone went back home to relax. It was late afternoon and the sun was beginning to set over the city, leaving a beautiful golden hue over the area. Yusei was stood outside his home, leaning over the rail and gazing out at the city, watching as the sun slowly crept downwards. He closed his eyes, taking in the blissful warmth of the afternoon sun's rays on his face. 

After a couple of minutes Yusei brought his arm up to take a card out of his duel disk, bringing it up in his hand to look at it, he smiled peacefully, looking at the Solar Wing Dragon in his hand

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After a couple of minutes Yusei brought his arm up to take a card out of his duel disk, bringing it up in his hand to look at it, he smiled peacefully, looking at the Solar Wing Dragon in his hand.

"Thanks, you really helped me out today." 

After he spoke those words, a sudden wave of emotion came over him as he put the card into his chest pocket, looking back up at the sun. Several stray tears fell from his eyes, dripping off his chin, the sunlight sparkling through them as they hit the ground.

"Oh Aria I wish you could see this." 

"My son." -

Yusei's eyes widened dramatically as he spun all around to see where the voice came from, before turning back to look over the city and suddenly seeing his father's spirit floating on the other side of the rail over the sea.


"Yusei I am so proud of you. A year ago, when you left the Abital mansion, your sorrow, I felt it's intensity even from the spirit world. And if that is how you feel even now, and if Aria were to share those feelings. Then I and the Crimson Dragon shall grant your wish. The world needs you both. That is why. I shall trust you with a gift my son."

Yusei took several steps back, trying to comprehend what his father just said and at the same time process that he was seeing his spirit again after so long since the last time.

"Wh-what gift?" 

"I leave to you, the future." 

A flash of light blinded Yusei momentarily and when he wearily opened his eyes again his father was gone and he stared back at the same view of the city as just moments earlier. Yusei was stunned both mentally and physically for a moment.

"Did I just dream that? Am I dreaming now?" Yusei said rubbing the back of his neck.

"If you were, would this hurt." Before Yusei could react something small but rugged hit him in the back of the head. 

"Ouch! Geez what was that-" Yusei started as he turned around to confront the culprit, but was frozen in place when he saw who was stood just a few meters behind him.

"For..." Yusei finished his sentence, just uttering the last word in shock, his jaw left slightly agape which then soon turned into a beaming smile.

"Hey Mr. Fudo, did you miss me?"

 Fudo, did you miss me?"

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The end ~

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