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-Noah's P.O.V-

I haven't been able to get the sound of her voice out of my head all night. The way she sang in the car. It was one of the few times in life where I'd ever been speechless. I could tell she was shy, when I asked her about it her cheeks turned bright red and she couldn't look at me. It was cute honestly.

I'm relieved she offered to let me stay here because I would have had the worst drive across town in this weather. I tried not to let it show but it was not a pleasant drive to her place, besides getting to hear her sing, that part made up for the slippery road and thick snow hitting my windshield. It's days like this where I'm glad I have a truck, when I saw her car in the lot at work I was nervous to even let her drive home in that thing. I didn't hesitate to offer her a ride when I saw she couldn't get it started.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard the shower turn on and her music start to play. I could hear her start to hum softly with the music and I just wanted to get closer so I could hear her better. A few minutes past and I found myself standing outside the bathroom door. It's not creepy I promise. She had on "Don't check on me" by Chris Brown and Justin Bieber. As the song went on she started to sing a little louder.

I joined in singing loudly through the door, "ohhhh don't check on meee!" I sang, only to hear her squeal, followed by a loud thud.

"Shit Kylie you okay?" I called through the door, laughing slightly.

"Yeah!" She called back, "okay maybe not! But it's fine!"

"Do you need help should I come in?" I asked worried.

"No no it's fine I'm good" she replied. I heard her curse quietly a couple times.

"I'm coming in" I said, not being able to stay out here knowing she could be hurt because of me. I opened the door and steam mixed with the smell of her soap filled my lungs. It was warm and vanilla scented. I first turned off her radio and pulled her a towel off the rack.

"Noah it's okay it's not that bad" she said turning the water off. "Can you pass me my towel" she asked sticking her wet hand through the curtain. I placed the towel in her hand and took a step back. Seconds later she pulled back the curtain revealing herself wrapped tightly in her white towel, holding it up at her chest. My eyes travelled down to her right leg that was uncovered, and I noticed a cut above her knee on her inner thigh.

"Shit, uhmm, do you have bandages?" I asked turning away to go though her cabinets.

"Yeah bottom shelf"

I picked up a white and blue box and opened a large bandaid.

"I was just shaving my legs, I didn't know a razor could cut me like that" she laughed. I knelt down and dabbed her skin dry with the sleeve of my sweater and smoothed the bandaid over her leg. "You don't have to do that I can-"

"Hey it's my fault you slipped" I smiled looking up at her. She has no makeup on and her hair is soaking wet, clinging to her shoulders. She couldn't be more beautiful than she is right now. I caught myself staring, my hands still on her leg. There's this silence between us but it's not awkward or weird. It's nice. I stand to my feet, we're inches apart. I can hear her breathing, it's heavy and uneven, like mine.

"I'll just be uhm" I stutter "just out, out there" I say turning around and going back to the living room.

-Kylie's P.O.V-

I'm frozen in place standing in my bathroom alone with a towel wrapped around me. I can still feel his hands on me. As much as I try to deny it I can't, there's something there between us now and I can't get out my head how he makes me feel, it makes my heart pound and my knees weak.

I dress myself in some leggings and a lose fitting t-shirt, throw my damp towel dried hair into a messy bun and head back out to the couch where he's sitting.

"How's your leg?" He asks.

"I don't know, might have to cut it right off" I tease. He smiles back at me and my worry for awkward tension is gone. I turn the volume up on the TV and continue to watch Jimmy, but my mind is focused on him. The way he's sitting the way his arm is resting on the back of the couch. I become rigid, adjusting myself and my position constantly. I excuse myself to get a glass of water and let out the breath I was holding in. Can he tell how nervous I am around him? Does he feel the same? Probably not.

"I think I'm gonna head to bed" I say walking back to the couch. "I'll get you some pillows and blankets"

I return with everything and place them neatly on the arm chair next to the couch.

"Thanks, goodnight Kylie"

"Goodnight" I say turning towards my room. I can't help the smile on my face as I climb into bed. I'm not tired. There's no way I'm falling asleep anytime soon. It's 9:30. I can still hear the sound of the TV from the living room, something I'm not used to since I live alone, but the noise is comforting. Or maybe it's just the fact that he's here that's comforting. Either way I'm not mad about it.

New Guy - Noah BeckWhere stories live. Discover now