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-Noah's P.O.V-

We ended up walking to my truck together and she rode with me to work. It wasn't until then that I started to realize all things I wanted to do, like rest my hand on her leg, and kiss her before getting out of the car. But I knew I couldn't without the risk of crossing a line. She makes me so nervous, in a good way. But the more I thought about it the more it seemed like it wasn't a good thing. We're not a couple. She not my girlfriend. Am I really that anxious to get into another relationship after Nat? If I have to ask myself then the answer is likely yes. But what if Kylie wants a relationship? Does she? She did tell me she wasn't the type of girl to just sleep with a random guy she barely knows but here she is sleeping with me and we barely know anything about one another. Do I want to know her? So many questions. I don't want her to get the wrong idea. But also the thought of her being with anyone else makes me sick, and it's not like I want to be with anyone else. Do I? Well I don't know maybe I do. Maybe I need to listen to Conor and put myself out there more. Will Kylie hate me? I know one things for sure I don't want her hating me. Especially since we work together. I mean I've already made it messy by sleeping with her in the first place. Then if we date and break up it would be unbearable to work together. It's probably safer to just break things off here, we had sex, it was good sex,

really good sex,

let's stop there before we ruin it. Right?

These back and forth thoughts crowded my head all day, I didn't see her at all after we parted ways. I went to a job site an hour away and by the time we got back to the garage she had left with Sarah. I realized we don't even have each others phone numbers, I can't believe I never got it from her.

My phone vibrated in my pocket and I snapped out of my thoughts. I leaned back in my gaming chair and read the name on my screen.


I don't remember getting her number. Could she have added it last night at Barney's? The text read

"Barney's tn?"

I'm really not in the mood to drink again and I really need some time to myself.

"Pass, still recovering from last night"

"Booooo, we'll miss you :( "

We? I wonder if Kylie's there. I wish I didn't care. I'm doing everything I can not to care about where she is and who she's with. I need a distraction.

"Have fun with your girlfriend!"


"What girlfriend?"

"Haha umm Kylie?"

"She's not my girlfriend lol"

"That's not what you told me last night"

"I was drunk, I say a lot of dumb
shit when I'm drunk"

"Oh so you're telling me you're
single then? ;) "

I'll be honest, Nicole seemed like an annoying attention seeker when I first met her. But she's making the whole finding a distraction thing a lot easier. I guess I could feed into this. Why not right? This whole thing did kind of excite me. I can tell she's desperate for attention, and I need something to take my mind off Kylie. So really we would be helping each other out, in a toxic way sure but nonetheless we both gain. It's harmless.

"Very single"

"What a coincidence, I also happen
to be very single ;) "

I haven't flirted like this in a long time. I don't know how to do it, I don't know what to say. I'm way better at this in person.

"How's Barney's?"

I panicked.

"Dead, I'm headed home. It's
really no fun without you there"

"You'd stay if I were there?"

"Not for long, I'm sure we would find
something better to do ;) "

"Oh yeah?"
"Like what?"

"There's only so many things us single
people can do yknow"

"I can think of a few ;) "

"A few huh ;) "

My heart was beating fast, but not in an excited way, more in a nervous way. I feel wrong for flirting with Nicole, I know I shouldn't I have every right to explore my options. My phone buzzed again. It was a photo of her standing in front of her mirror, wearing tiny shorts and a lace bra thing. She looked so hot and I couldn't help but picture her under me.

"Getting cozy ;)"

"It's the middle of winter
how are you not freezing hahaha"

"I was hoping you'd come
keep me warm ;) "

"I could do more than that ;)"

"That's a lot of talk for somebody
so far away"

"I'm not that far"

"I could make it worth your while ;) "

Am I seriously thinking of going to her place? I don't know if I'm looking to go that far with this.

"I'm not one for skipping right to

"Well then allow me to tease
your palette"

She followed up with another photo and holy shit was it hot. She's laying in bed, on her back with her tits fully out. They're big, unlike Kylie, she has a smaller chest, which I honestly like better. But I couldn't deny the fact that I was picturing them bouncing around with her on top of me.

I don't exactly know how to respond to it.

"Wow 😍"

Was all I could come up with.

"They're bigger in person ;)"

"I'll have to see for myself someday ;)"

"I'm wet just thinking about you,
inside me"

Holy fuck. I felt myself get hard and I adjusted myself in my chair. I feel guilty. But so turned on. And right now, one outweighs the other. I unzipped my pants and started to relieve myself. I kept looking at the photo of her. More images of us fucking piled into my head, but they were quickly replaced by memories of Kylie, her moans and gasps, the feeling of her hands in my hair and her nails in my back. The way she looked this morning in the morning sun. How she makes my sweaters smell like her. I'm so lost. So lost and so confused.

I re situated  myself in bed and did my best to end the conversation with Nicole, as nicely as I could. I didn't want her to get the wrong idea. I'm sure she's just as confused as I am.

I hope I see Kylie tomorrow.

I hope I don't see Nicole tomorrow.

But I know I can't see one without seeing the other.


New Guy - Noah BeckWhere stories live. Discover now