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-Noah's P.O.V-

I parked my truck on the curb side down the street from Barney's, it was the only spot I could find for blocks. Just as I was stepping onto the side walk I heard my name. I turned around to see the new girl waving at me. Nicole I think.

"Hey you're headed to Barney's too?" She asked catching up with me.

"Yeah, you been before?"

"No, Sarah asked me to meet her"

We made small talk during the short walk. I didn't really want to walk in with her, in case Kylie was there already. But I don't really have a choice now. I opened the door and scanned the room, she's here. I locked eyes with her but she looked away quickly. I tried to walk away from Nicole but she followed behind me as I went up to the bar to get drinks.

"So are you new to the city?" She asked me. I really don't want to keep talking to her.

"Yeah, you?"

"No I'm from here but I moved away with my boyfriend, and then he cheated on me so I'm back here living with my folks" didn't ask for your life story. "You livin with a room mate? Or your girlfriend? Parents?" Where is Mikey with our drinks?

"My buddy from college" I replied shortly.

"Oh nice! So no girlfriend then?" She was starting to slide closer to me. Mike slid our drinks to us and I was instantly relieved.

"No" I walked to the table and she followed close behind me. Seriously? She sat next to me and I quickly picked up a conversation with Stu, ignoring her completely. Luckily Chris seemed interested and kept her company while I pretended to listen to Stu tell me about his new motorcycle. Why would he buy a motorcycle in the middle of winter?

A few minutes of this pointless conversation passed and I noticed Kylie stand up and go to the bar. I downed the rest of my drink and followed her up. It wasn't until I got closer to her that I noticed what she was wearing. Damn. I couldn't take my eyes off her. I think she noticed my staring when she cleared her throat as she turned to face me.

"Hey" I blurted out

"Another?" Mike interrupted us. She nodded

"I'll have the same" I added. He slid us a couple bottles and as Kylie shuffled through her purse I handed him a 20$. "I got it"

She glared up at me "It's me who owes you remember" I laughed and leaned back on the bar. I've waited all day to see her, talk to her, and the scowl she's giving me was totally worth the wait.

"I'm sorry about how I left yesterday" I started, but she interrupted me.

"Don't worry about it, I'm just not used to the whole one night stand thing, I'm not the type of girl that does that"

"Woah what? Kyles you weren't just a one night stand. Trust me I'm not the type of guy that does that either"

"Sorry if it seemed like you moved on from me" she gestured to Nicole. Okay I can see where she got that idea but that's not how it is. I don't even know Nicole let alone like her, in any type of way. Is she jealous? The thought makes me giddy, I decide to play into it for a minute.

"What you're jealous of Nicole?" I teased "you think I'd take her home and do to her what I did to you?" I see the tension in her eyes as her chest begins to rise and fall more rapidly. I can't tell if she's mad or turned on. "Well I wouldn't. Again, I'm not that type of guy" I say and face her.

"I'm not jealous" she said brushing past me, the scent of her perfume intoxicating me. I turn on my heels and follow her to the table where we sit next to each other. I notice Sarah give Kylie a look I can't decipher, and I flash her a smile. A round of shots is presented to the table and Kylie takes one, I decline.

"What no shots for pretty boy?" Sam calls down the table.

"Pretty boy has to drive home Sammy" I call back.

"I'm sure you could find a place to crash amongst us" Sarah not so sneakily implies nudging Kylie. Does she know something?

"Sounds like boss lady's got a crush on the new guy" Stu teases. Sarah's quick to slap him in the chest and roll her eyes.

"Alright, but when one of you has to drag my drunk ass home you'll be sorry" I say grabbing a shot. They laugh and we all hold our glasses up, and shoot them back. The rest of the night was filled with plenty more shots, drinks and bad jokes about workplace harassment.

-Kylie's P.O.V-

Noah grabbed my jacket and helped me put it on, even drunk he's still a gentleman. We were about to head out when Nicole approached us

"Hey Noah if you need a place to stay, my place is pretty close" she slurred

"Thanks but I'm actually good I'm gonna stay with Kylie" he motioned to me and I gave her a fake smile.

"Oh okay sorry I didn't realize you guys were like a thing"

"Oh we're n—"

"We are yeah but that's okay how could you have known" Noah interrupts me. My heart skips as I realize what he said. We get back to my apartment without anyone asking anymore questions about us.

"So we're a thing are we?" I ask nonchalantly, trying to hide my happiness about it.

"Oh yeah no sorry about that, she's been all over me and I needed to say something to get her off my back"

His words hurt more than I expected. But was I really so foolish to believe he meant it? I nod slowly, not knowing how to respond. I'm so embarrassed. I step into my room and close the door behind me to change out of my clothes. I throw on sweats and a t-shirt, and throw my hair into a messy bun before taking my makeup off. I was excited to bring him back here again, but now I just want to hide away until the morning.

"Kyles?" I hear a knock at me door and I snap out of it.

"Yeah" I croak

He steps through the door and stands there awkwardly. "I like you, more than I chose to admit to myself. And I'm sorry if I was insensitive"

"It's fine, Noah. You don't owe me an apology or an explanation, I'm fine" my words are uncomfortable to say, my drunk self doesn't want to say that, my drunk self wants to say "I don't care about anything, I just want you to take my clothes off and forget about all the drama"

"Say less" he closes the door behind him and climbs into bed with me. Did I say that out loud?

New Guy - Noah BeckWhere stories live. Discover now