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-Kylie's P.O.V-

My stomach growled and reminded me it was lunch time. I got up from my desk and made my way to the kitchen to heat up my leftover chicken and potatoes. The hum of the microwave put me in a trance, and I was startled by the sound of Nicole's high pitch voice calling my name from behind me. I blinked my eyes a couple times to regain my focus and turned to face her, and gave her a weak smile.

"Hey" I breathed

"Lunch time for you too huh" she asked grabbing a container of lettuce from the fridge. The saddest looking salad I've ever seen. I nodded and took a seat and the table. To my misfortune she  followed and sat across from me. "So do you want to tell me about the other night?" She asked. I stared at her confused.

"What do you mean?" I asked. I literally have no idea what she's talking about.

"Yknow, at Barney's...? You and Noah..?" I started to get nervous. Does she know about us? "He said you were his girlfriend?" I coughed choking on my lunch.

"Oh, um, yeah about that" I cleared my throat. But didn't have a chance to explain before she interrupted me.

"You don't have to explain, I get it. He was really drunk" she laughed. I don't get it.

"Yeah no we were so drunk" I tried to go along with whatever she thought was going on.

"Oh my gosh it was so funny, and then he went home with you, and made the whole thing so believable too like really great performance Noah" she kept laughing. Why was she laughing? What's so funny? Performance? I laughed with her to avoid awkward tension. "So he what just slept on your couch?" What's with all the questions?

"Yeah of course" I lied and took another bite.

"Makes sense I can't see him being that messy and fucking both of us"

The words left her mouth and I froze. Both of us? As in her? As in he fucked her? When could this have happened? It's only been a day since we were together. I don't know what I'm feeling right now, but it hurts. She's still talking, but I'm not paying any attention.

The familiar frame of a man I thought I knew appears in the door way with 2 others following him. My eyes meet his and all I feel is fire. Anger mixed with heartbreak and misery. My expression is stone cold and by his reaction, his glances back and forth between her and I, I can tell he knows. I stand and gather my things, looking down to avoid drawing any more attention to myself. He steps in front of me though. I let out a sigh and step back, meeting his gaze once again. My eyes beg for mercy, for him to let me leave this room that's closing in around me. I catch a tear with my sleeve and he steps aside. I walk quickly to my office and close the door behind me.

-Sarah's P.O.V-

I was getting up to go get my lunch when I saw Kyles walk into her office and close the door behind her. She never closes her door. Something not right here. I knock gently and after no response I turn the door handle and poke my head in. She doesn't even acknowledge me. She's staring straight ahead into space, her face emotionless.

"Kyles?" I ask quietly. She snaps her head up to look at me, her eyes wide. "You good?" Her lips press together to form a line as she decides on her answer. If she has to think about it she can't be okay. I walk in and sit at the chair across from her. "Talk to me"

"I'm good Sarah, please I just want to be alone" her tone is not convincing me.

"No Kyles you've been acting so weird lately" I started. I debated telling her that I knew about her and Noah. Well I don't know what I know but I know there's something going on. I'm not stupid I know it was his truck parked outside the apartment building the other night. And then he blatantly went home with her after the bar 2 nights ago. I knew she wouldn't tell me though. I swear if he did anything to hurt her, he's out. I mean I can't fire him he technically doesn't work for me, he works for Matt. "Is this about Noah?"

Her eyes shot through me like daggers, I've hit a nerve. Bingo.

"Did he hurt you?" I pressed

"What no Sarah I hardly know him" she's trying to play this off like I don't know

"Oh so he hasn't spent the night at your place twice in the last week?" I raised my brows at her and I could see her getting nervous.

"How did you—"

"Kylie I'm not blind and you guys are terrible at hiding it" I smirked. She sighed in relief. Maybe I'm getting somewhere.

"I slept with him" she blurts out. I'm surprised, not that it happened but that she told me. She's so guarded sometimes. I nodded, letting her continue. "A couple times" she continued. "But I just found out he also slept with Nicole"

Nicole? She just started like 2 days ago how did she manage that? I'm shocked. "That bitch, are you serious? How did you find out?"

"She told me" wow.

"And you really liked him didn't you" I asked, she nodded.

I could tell by her demeanour she wouldn't be getting much work done today, so I sent her home hoping she would have time to bounce back from this by Monday. She got her things together and we left her office, but of course we couldn't make it out of the building without him getting in the way.

"Kylie hey can we talk?"

New Guy - Noah BeckWhere stories live. Discover now