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-Kylie's P.O.V-

My shitty Corolla started finally after my third try. It's Monday morning and it's absolutely freezing again, super windy too, it pushed me all over the icy road to work. Monday's are my inventory days so I'll have to spend a few hours in the garage counting their inventory. Not really looking forward to that considering how cold it is.

I got to work, sat down at my desk and started to print my inventory checklist. I waited sipping my coffee watching the printer spit out page after page.

It finished printing and I sat there staring at the pages as if they'd magically disappear. I noticed a few guys in reflective winter gear and work boots come into the office. They were headed for the coffee machine, their jackets were unzipped revealing their suspenders and white T-shirts, I couldn't tell you why but it was just so attractive to me.

I realize Noah was one of them and he caught me staring as he looked back at me. We made eye contact for a brief second and I turned quickly to gather my papers. I shoved them into my clipboard and gathered my winter coat, hat and mitts. I reached the door, it had just closed behind the guys going back out. I opened it and a huge gust of cold wind blew in at me. I held my clipboard close to my chest and waddled my way out into the icy tundra. I kept my head down to stay warm as I watched my step in the ice below me. Just then another gust of wind blew my hood back, I looked up and reached to catch it as I kept moving, but I took my eyes off the path in front of me and I slipped. I saw the garage in front of me disappear as my head flew back and hit the icy concrete. My vision went black for a second. That didn't feel nice. I blinked a few times, I had the wind knocked out of me when I hit the ground and I gasped for air. I'm okay. My back hurts, my head hurts and I can hardly breath. But I'm okay. I sat there for a second with my eyes closed before trying to get up.

"You okay?!" I heard a voice followed by quick footsteps coming towards me. I opened my eyes to meet those of Noah Becks, hovered over me.

"I'm good" I said pushing myself up.

"Here wait I got you" he said helping me up to my feet.

I winced in pain.

"You sure you're good" he asked laughing slightly as I brushed myself off.

"I'll live!" I said trying to walk. Every step I took was like pins and needles all through my body.

"No no no you hurt yourself pretty good just take my arm I got you" he said holding out his right arm for me. I looked at him a little embarrassed and grabbed onto him. He had his left arm behind me gently placed on my back and we walked to the garage. We got in and went to their little lunch area in the back.

I sat down in a hard plastic chair and felt aches go up my spine. Shit maybe this is a little worse than I thought.

"You good Kyles?" Chris asked pulling up a seat next to me.

"Yeah I'm good I was just checking to see how slippery the ice was" I joked. "I'll get to my inventory in a sec here"

"I think I've seen you do this enough times I can probably handle it" Chris said taking my clip board.

"No no you guys are busy I got it!" I argued.

"Kyles it's a blizzard out there we're doin shit all today" he laughed. He walked away and started handing out pages of my checklist to each of the guys. I felt so happy these guys are the best.

"Thanks guys, next round at Barney's is on me" I smiled as they cheered.

I texted Sarah letting her know I'd be spending the day in the garage supervising the inventory, she thought that was so funny that I fell on my ass and couldn't count parts. Noah ended up bringing me my laptop from my office so I could enter everything into my spreadsheet as the guys brought me the numbers. The day lagged on and finally 5 o'clock came around. I had all the inventory done and just had a little bit left to enter electronically. I said bye to the guys as they cleared out.

About an hour went by and I finally had everything done and I was ready to leave.

"You're still here!" I heard somebody say from across the garage, it was dark by now and the lighting wasn't great in here.

"You're still here?" I asked Noah as he got closer and I finally recognized him.

"Yeah we just spent the last hour getting Sam's car out it was stuck in the snow." He said pulling his hat off and shaking the snow off of it. He pushed his hands through his sweat soaked hair and sat down in front of me. "You heading out soon?"

"Yeah I just had to finish up my paperwork but I'm ready get out of here" I said closing my laptop. I started to stand up and realized I hadn't moved out of my chair in hours. I was so sore and stiff I could hardly stand. I stood up straight and realized I was holding my breath, I let it out and reached for my jacket.

"Here I got it" he said reaching for my jacket and helping me put it on. "You really did a number on yourself didn't ya"

"I guess" I said blushing.

I walked behind him at a much slower pace. Every step was painful and tense. He looked back at me trailing behind and laughed running over to crouch down in front of me.

"You're too slow get on let's go" he laughed. I hopped onto his back and he carried me through the minefield of equipment, letting me down gently at the door. I thanked him as he opened the door for me. He smiled down at me with that smile I can never get out of my head.

Once we got outside the wind pushed me and I caught myself on the door frame. I walked slowly out to my car and Noah walked to his. I got in, put my key in and cranked, the engine sputtered and made noise but it wouldn't start. I knew one day my shitty Corolla would quit on me. I was just hoping it wouldn't be in the middle of a snow storm. I cranked it a few more times before giving up. I threw my head back and sighed. This day couldn't get any worse could it.

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