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-Nate's P.O.V-

"We should follow him"

"What? No no you shouldn't worry about him he's being super self destructive he's not your responsibility" Kylie said.

"Kylie he's wasted there's no way he makes it home safely." I said walking to my car. "You can stay here but I can't watch this happen"

She followed me to my car and we started down the road. She was on the edge of her seat the whole way. I could tell she wanted to make sure he was okay, but didn't want me to get involved. I feel like they have a past, I don't know, just something about the way they spoke to each other. It's obvious she cares about him.

About 10 minutes down the road we came to a T. We both stared at the black truck crushed into the street light. I think we both stopped breathing.

"Call 911 and stay in this car. Do not get out." I said handing her my phone. She stared at the truck, her jaw dropped, hand shaking. "Kylie!"

She snapped out of it and tears started pouring down her cheeks.

"Kylie I need you to focus! Please! Call 911 and do not get out of this car! Got me?" She nodded and I got out of the car and ran to the drivers side of the truck.

I tried the handle but it's locked, I can see him, he's knocked out. I hope. I ran to the other side and grabbed a big rock. I pounded it against the window until it shattered, reached through and hit the unlock button and ran back to the drivers side.

"Noah hey can you hear me?" I tapped on his face trying to wake him up. I felt his neck and found his pulse. Good. Okay so the front is totally crushed in, the windshield is cracked. He's bleeding from his head. "Noah buddy I need you to open your eyes"

"Nate!" Kylie called. She got out of the car. "He's been drinking!"

"Yeah I know that's why we're here! Did you call for an ambulance yet?" I walked towards her not wanted her to see him like this.

"No Nate he's been drinking! I can't call 911 he'll go to jail for this"


She's right.

"Okay. Fuck okay uhm, okay go pull up my car I'm getting him out of here."

I unbuckled his seatbelt, turned the ignition off and pulled him out throwing him over my shoulder. I threw him in my back seat and started driving.

"Hi there yes I'd like to report a stolen vehicle. Yes it's a black Ford F-150. License plates is 209-ABW, last seen on highway 11 at 8pm. We were at a friends house and parked on the road." She said into her phone.

As if she just thought of that on the spot. She finished the phone call and we sped off.

"Where should I take him?" I asked looking straight ahead. I don't know what she wants, if she wants to stay with me and take him to his house? That's what I want. Or maybe she wants to stay with him.

"My place it's closer than his. Plus my moms a nurse and can come over tomorrow to see if he's concussed."

I nodded and drove to her apartment. Not what I wanted to hear but I guess it is what it is. I can't believe this idiot ruined my night with her. I had plans. I wanted to take her home, stay the night, and spoil her with breakfast. I honestly just really wanted to prove to her that I'm better than the guy I was that night at the party. I was so drunk that night, and had also just found out my brother, my best friend, is moving across the world. I was in self destruct mode too and nobody seemed to care. I feel badly about how I treated her, like just some girl I wanted to fuck and never see again. I wanted tonight to be my chance to prove to her that I'm better than that, that I really care about her. Because I do she's amazing and beautiful and kind. The fact that she knows where he lives is pretty much all the confirmation I needed to know they used to see each other. I don't know what he did to fuck it up but I do not want him standing in my way of her. I've finally found somebody I care about. And I hope my actions tonight have proven my loyalty to her.

We pulled up to the doors and I carried Noah up to her place. He's a heavy dude holy shit, how can somebody so lean weigh so much. She let me in and I followed her to her bed. Great. He gets to sleep in her bed tonight. Guess it's clear I'm not staying here then. I flopped him down and she took his shoes off, and pressed a cloth to his head where he was bleeding. I made sure to put him in the middle of the bed so there was no room for her. I went to the hallways and opened a closet hoping to find some extra pillows and blankets. I grabbed some and started making up the couch for her.

"Hey" I heard her say as she walked up behind me. "Thank you, for tonight, I'm really sorry this was how the night had to end. I wish it was you in my bed" she grabbed my hand. It made me extremely happy and relieved to hear her say that. "Don't worry, about him I mean, I never told you about he and I because I didn't want it to be weird. But we were never serious, just work friends who got a little too carried away. But now I couldn't be more repulsed by him. He's just lucky I'm a nice person. And I'm lucky you are too, so thank you, again" she looked down nervously.

"I'm just glad you're okay" I said lifting her chin "I know I have nothing to be worried about." She starred at me with her big brown eyes and I melted, I couldn't help myself and pulled her in for a kiss. I know we've kissed before but this was different. It was passionate, like breathing after being stuck under water. I wanted to hold onto her forever. We parted and our minutes felt like seconds.

"I hope to see you again soon" I said more as a question.

"Me too"

She walked me to the door and I left happy. Not as happy as I would have been if I were still there, but glad I know where her heads at. I just hope she doesn't change her mind. Or that he changes her mind.

New Guy - Noah BeckWhere stories live. Discover now