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-Kylie's P.O.V-

"Vodka soda please" thank god for Chris having an open bar. I picked up my drink and thanked the girl across the counter. She couldn't have been much older than me. I turned and started downing the cold drink when I felt a hand on my lower back.

"There you are" Nate said as I finished my drink. "Thirsty?" He laughed at me. I nodded laughing, a little embarrassed. He moved past me and got us both another drink. I took a minute to breath and process the situation before I started to panic. It's fine, I'll just avoid him. Nate handed me another drink and pulled me aside.

"You okay?" He asked snapping me out of my trance.

"Yeah, of course why? Are you okay?" I asked nervously.

"I'm great, you just seem a little on edge"

"Yeah sorry, there's just a lot of people here" I lied. It's a stupid excuse we've been here for hours now but I can't bring myself to tell him that the guy I used to sleep with and fell head over heels for is here and I'm afraid to be anywhere near him again.

"Do you wanna get out of here?" He asked

I was intrigued by what he meant by that. I'm not sure if I'm ready to move forward with him physically yet, not after what happened with Noah. The last thing I want is to be mentally invested in somebody, sleep with them and be ditched for somebody hotter than me. I'm hesitant but also would love to get as far from Noah as I can. I thought I wanted him to see me with another guy and have him fill with jealousy, but I'm just not as confident as I thought I was.

"Maybe we could just sit outside, I don't want to go just yet"

He agreed and took my hand leading me to a couple chairs outside. The patio was small and dimly lit by string lights hung overhead. Whoever Chris got to decorate nailed it, it's absolutely gorgeous. It was nice out here, I got chilly and Nate wrapped his suit jacket around me and I was happier than ever. Now I can finally relax.

-Noah's P.O.V-

"Didn't think you'd show tonight" Stu nudged me. I don't know why he's so cheery lately with that witch of a woman on his arm.

"Yeah not really sure why I did" I mumbled.

"Come on man, have a good time just forget about her and that new guy. Why don't you go find Nicole maybe she's still here"

New guy?

"What new guy" I asked snapping my head up.

"Oh" he hesitated looking at Sarah "um she has a date with her. Nate I think his name is. I haven't seen them in a while maybe they went home it's nothing serious really though"

"Where did you see them last" I asked. My blood is boiling I can't believe she's moved on so quick. She made such a big deal about me and now she just goes out and starts seeing this Nate guy. What the fuck kind of name is that anyways.

"Noah do not go looking for her she deserves some peace she's finally happy and I will not let you ruin that. I'm finally starting to get my best friend back so back off alright" Sarah snapped at me.

"Alright maybe I should go" I said standing up. I chugged the rest of my drink and stood up to leave. I think maybe I got up a little too fast cause I got a head rush and a little dizzy. I tripped sideways and caught myself on a chair.

"Dude please stop give me your keys I'm calling you a cab" Stu said putting his hand on my shoulder with the other reached out.

"Man get the fuck off me" I said shoving him back. I stumbled past Chris and Taylor on my way out and said a quick congrats before I pushed the doors open and stepped into the cool air.

My head is spinning. My chest feels like it's getting tighter every second. Memories of Kylie and I laying in bed together, her smile, her voice saying my name, her screaming my name in bed, visions of her body from my distant memory now. It all hurts so much to imagine her with another guy. It hurts everything hurts. My heart the most.

I just want to hold her and have everything go back to how it was. Once I realized the tears streaming down my face, I knew I had to get out of here, and so I started looking through my pockets for my keys. I looked in every pocket and couldn't find them anywhere what the hell. I cursed under my breath now looking frantically. I need to get out of here! For the love of god where are my fucking keys!


I turned to see Kylie with the bathroom guy with all the gel in his hair. Is that Nate?

"Kyles you know this guy?" He asked her.

Pissed me off how he already gets to call her by her nickname.

"I'm just leaving" I said turning still trying to find my keys. "If I could find my damn keys"

"Are you sure you should be driving?"

"Why the hell do you care" I said walking to my truck after finally pulling my keys from my coat pocket. I ignored whatever she was saying to me and got into my truck, started the ignition and started driving. I can't stand to look at her with that tool. That useless piece of shit guy that doesn't know a single thing about her and probably is only with her to get in her pants!

I imagined running him over and my vision started spotting. Then it went black. Everything is dark. And so quiet. It's nice. Peaceful.

New Guy - Noah BeckWhere stories live. Discover now