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-Noah's P.O.V-

"I don't care about anything, I just want you to take my clothes off and forget about the drama"

The words fell out of her mouth I happily obliged. "Say less"

I hoped into bed with her and quickly undressed her "I've been dying to get you out of these clothes the second I saw you wearing them" I said unhooking her bra and kissing her. Our kiss was passionate and sloppy. The lust we felt for each other took over, leaving sober thoughts behind and letting our bodies move in sync. She undressed me, then I reconnected our lips and pressed my chest to hers, pushing her into the bed. I held myself up with one hand while the other moved down her body to her legs. I pushed her one leg out and the other mirrored it, and I started to rub circles with my thumb. She moaned aggressively into my mouth as she kissed me harder, her hands reached into my hair and she tugged hard. I loved it.

I pushed my fingers inside her and continued to rub her with my thumb, making her gasp and arch her back as she reached out to ball the sheets in her fists. This is the Kylie I crave. The one at my complete mercy. "Oh my god" she breathed "Noah" she said louder. My name in her mouth was all I wanted to hear. Once she came on my fingers I kissed her again, bitting her lip. Then she shot up and rolled me to my back and gripped her hand around me gently, moving her face slowly down towards my hips and wrapping her lips around my tip. I let out my breath as she began to bob her head slowly, while looking up at me. This might be my new favourite view. She sped up and used both her hands to move up and down, and I reached my hand into her hair as I came in her mouth. She swallowed and I wrapped my hand around her jaw, pulling her face up to mine and I kissed her again.

She surprised me by reaching her hand back down between my legs and placing herself on me. She slid down slowly, as she reached her hands back to my thighs to hold her self up. Knowing she's on the pill gave me some peace of mind considering we aren't using a condom, I mean I definitely prefer not to, she feels so good without it. I gripped her hips and rocked her faster, she threw her head back and her grip on my legs tightened. Not yet you don't. She already made me finish, which means I'm going to last way longer than if I hadn't.

-Kylie's P.O.V-

If I wasn't already drunk I think I would be now, on him. He flipped me on my back and started to slowly push into me. This pace was something new to me. It felt like he was really focused on making me feel good, also new to me. He lifted my ankles up to his shoulders and held onto my thighs tightly as he continued to thrust into me. It felt so good, I gasped and moaned uncontrollably as he pounded his hips against my legs. I wanted him to touch me, to have his hands on me. I pushed him back with my legs and flipped over onto my hands and knees. He followed suit and pushed into me from behind, gripping my waist hard. I started to dip my chest to the bed but he wrapped his hand into my hair and pulled me back up. I was surprised, in a good way, he had control over me.

"Fuck" he breathed. I could feel myself getting closer as his speed increased, the sound of our bodies colliding and our heavy breaths filled the room.

"Don't stop" I moaned. My body tightened and my arms gave out, I finished for a second time as he kept pounding into me. I let out small cries of pleasure with each thrust. My knees began to buckle and the throbbing between my legs persisted. I've never had anyone keep fucking me past this point. It felt euphoric. He soon pulled out and finished on my back and my body collapsed into the sheets. He returned quickly to clean me up and then fell to lay next to me. I knew I had to get up to go to the bathroom but I couldn't. My inebriated strung out body wouldn't move. And so I closed my eyes, and let the warmth of Noah's body pressed to mine ease myself to sleep.


My alarm woke me up at 6AM. It rang from my phone that was on the floor across the room, so I quickly jumped out of bed to shut it off but I was too late and Noah was already awake. My head was pounding. Noah sat up on his elbow and looked at me, rubbing his eyes. The sun was just starting to come up, making the sky turn orange. It was bright enough to dimly light my room. I admired it for a moment before realizing I was standing completely naked with my back to Noah. I froze and my heart started beating out of control. I turned slowly, covering myself with my arms, and threw on a sweater that was lying on the floor. Now that I'm putting in on I know it's not mine. It smells like him.

"Come here" he said reaching his hands out to me, his voice deep and raspy. I climbed into bed with him and snuggled in close to his chest. It felt nice. I am still thinking I should get up have a shower and get dressed for work but I'm so happy right here in this moment. I reminded myself to enjoy these moments. To let myself be happy without worry of what might happen next.

"We should get up" he spoke softly

"I know" I sighed. He sat us up and stood up from the bed, totally naked, using his hand in front of him to cover himself. I watched as he walked out, his toned body lit from the sun. The sound of the shower turning on echoed into my room, and seconds later he appeared in my door again.


New Guy - Noah BeckWhere stories live. Discover now