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-Kylie's P.O.V-

I wake up to the sun peering through my curtains. I must have fallen back asleep and by the looks of it so did Noah. We both lay here naked, his face is buried in the sheets. I suddenly feel a wave of embarrassment wash over me as I replay the events of this morning. I'm not the type of girl that sleeps with a guy she just met and I don't want him to get the impression that I'm easy and can be taken advantage of. It makes me wonder if this is normal for him, does he do this often? Sleep with random girls? For me it was a moment of weakness, I'd had a long day, and a painful sleep and just once I wanted to let myself have what I wanted. It felt good to let loose and not worry about every little thing, to let my body take control of my mind for once. Maybe I shouldn't be embarrassed. Maybe I should stop being such a pushover and let myself be happy. Let myself have what I want. Be who I want to be without fear of consequence. I had an amazing time with him and I wouldn't mind doing it again. I'm not looking for anything serious, I don't want a boyfriend. I don't care for the drama of it all.

I decided to go with the flow and do whatever makes me happy. And right now I see a cozy black sweater on the floor that must be his, and I throw it over my head along with a fresh pair of black underwear and some thick socks. I throw my hair into a messy bun and head into the kitchen to start to make something to eat, it's 1pm already, wow. I don't feel like putting that much effort into cooking so I grab a box of Mac n cheese and throw it in a pot of boiling water. After watching the pasta bounce around the pot for a minute I hear footsteps coming down the hall.

"I was wondering where my sweater was" Noah remarks, his voice deep and raspy, sending shivers though me. "Looks better on you anyways"

"I'm glad you think so, cause I happen to think you look better without it" I smirk. He smiles and leans against the counter next to me.

"I could say the same thing about you" he hooks his fingers onto the bottom of the sweater, his fingers graze my hip as he starts to pull it upward.

"Hungry?" I ask clearing my throat.

"Mhm" he nods pulling me gently by the hem of the sweater.

"I mean for food" I laugh.

He lets out a long sigh before answering "I guess I could eat" he smiles "ou boxed Mac n cheese, I didn't know you were a chef" he teases.

"Shut up" I swat him "I need to get groceries this is all I have" I sit up on the counter next to the stove, and stir the pasta.

"Hey no complaints here" he says walking over to stand in front of me "I'll eat anything" his hands move up my bare legs as he stands between them. My heart races at the thought of his mouth between my legs earlier.

"I think we should slow down a little don't you?" I stutter

"I can go slow" he grabs my hand and presses my palm to his lips. I'm trying my hardest to resist him, but then I think, why am I resisting him? What happened to just doing what I want?

I give in and press my lips to his, shoving my hands into his hair. His hands slip under the sweater and roam from my waist to my back. His tongue enters my mouth and he bites gently on my bottom lip. I moan softly and he reaches past me, breaking the kiss to turn the stove off before picking me up and carrying me to the couch.

"Hey Kyle's! Open up I brought wine and popcorn!" I hear through the door followed by knocking.

My face goes blank and I panic. She can't know I have him here I'll never hear the end of it.

"You have to hide" I tell him scrambling to my feet.

"What?" He looks offended

"It's Sarah! Do you really want everyone at work knowing we hooked up cause once she finds out, the whole place is gonna know" I'm running to my room to find pants now "IM COMING JUST GIVE ME A SEC" I yell to her

"Okay yeah gimme my sweater I'll hide in your room"

I rip it over my head and throw it to him, instantly covering my chest and grabbing the first tshirt I find. I hear him laugh from behind me as he follows me around my room.

"What is so funny!"

"Nothing" he laughs and I shoot him a glare. "You're covering yourself as if I didn't have my mouth-"

"I'm begging you to not finish that sentence" I interrupted him, my cheeks turning pink as I rush out to open the door.

"Well shit it took ya long enough" Sarah says walking past me with her bag of snacks and wine.

"Look I'm really not feeling well today, I appreciate you coming over here but I just want to go back to bed"

"That's why I'm here! Wine and snacks solve everything ya know" she starts pulling out snacks and next thing I know she's opening the bottle of wine.

-Noah's P.O.V-

I hear Sarah's voice loud and clear through the apartment from Kylie's bedroom. I really hope she doesn't come in here it would be humiliating if she were to find me hiding like this. I was really enjoying this time alone with her, I'm afraid once I leave this apartment and we go back to work, things will go back to normal. I like being stuck with her. Nothing to do but eat, watch tv, and have sex. I was nervous at first at the thought of being intimate again. It had been so long since Nathalie and she was my first. But it felt good to connect with someone else, and I really like Kylie.

It's been a few minutes since Sarah got here and I'm starting to get pretty bored in here by myself. I don't even have my phone, it's somewhere out there, god I hope Sarah doesn't find it. I start doing the stupidest things like opening her drawers, the first one I open is her underwear drawer. Hm. I detangle a black lacy bra between my fingers, my mind immediately pictures her wearing this. It was at the bottom of the drawer near the back, making me think she doesn't wear it much. The thought makes me happy, because she clearly doesn't wear it often, meaning she probably isn't trying to show it off to other guys. I toss it back in and lay down on her bed, trying not to make any noise. I turn on my side and notice a few things on her side table that stand out, one being the condom packet from this morning. I can't help but smile thinking about her moaning my name. Next to her lamp is a small packet of pills, I read the label to find it's her birth control pills, good to know.

"Okay fine, well I guess I'll see you at work tomorrow then" I barely hear Sarah's voice "oh speaking of work, we hired a new receptionist since Miranda is going on maternity"

I hear them talk about work for a couple minutes before I hear the door close. Finally.

New Guy - Noah BeckWhere stories live. Discover now