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-Noah's P.O.V-

The sound of my phone buzzing on my desk made me jump. I took my head set off and refocused my eyes on my phone, I freaked out a little when I saw it's Kylie calling. Panic set in quickly, what do I say, is she ok?

"Hey Kyles- Kylie, what's up?" I stuttered

"Noah um, are you busy" she sounds choked up, like she'd been crying

"No not busy are you ok?"

"Can you come over"

"Of course I'll be there as fast as I can"

I threw myself out of my chair, chords everywhere. I threw on a hoodie and sprayed myself with cologne, tossed like 8 pieces of gum in my mouth and booked it out the door. It feels like I've waited a lifetime for this.

-Kylie's P.O.V-

I'm overwhelmed with emotions. Processing what happened the other night, not having control of my body, the possibility of somebody using me like that. It was so close to happening and it very well could have had Noah not been there for me. I feel in debt to him now. But not in a sad way, not in a way that I feel that I need to repay him in order to feel happy. But in a grateful way, like he saved me from something so terrible, that I want to see him and thank him and have him in my life again.

But then I go back to thinking about how he treated me. How disrespectful and carelessly he played with my emotions. It hurts me. My mind is a time bomb just one wrong wire and I think I could explode. My hope is that he comes here, and he says all the right things, and then I can finally put my mind at peace and finally forgive him.

That's my hope.

I shot up once I heard the knock at my door, he's here. Why am I so nervous?

I opened the door, but it still felt like there was a barrier between us. I couldn't speak, or more like if I did, he wouldn't hear me. I feel so disconnected from him and it's breaking my heart, yet I don't feel the need to fix it.

"Hey" he spoke, breaking the long silence. I still don't know what to say. I just backed up inviting him in. "Are you okay? You didn't sound so good on the phone"

I looked at him and took a breath. I still don't know what to say. Pressure started to build in my head and my body feels like it's on fire, like I'm being crammed into a box and I can't do anything about it. My hearts pounding and I can feel tears start to well in my eyes. My breath is fast and uneven. Palms are sweating. I want to pull my hair out. I want to run and hide from this feeling. I've never felt like this and I don't know what's going on. Panic is setting in, it feels like my body is rejecting my mind. Or my minds rejecting my body. I can't tell and my vision is blurring.

"Woah Kyles hey look at me look at me hold on to me okay" I feel his hands on me. One on my cheek and the other holding my elbow, steadying me.

"What's happening to me" I whisper

"I think you're having a panic attack, here just sit"

I lowered to the floor and he sat next to me, leaning against the back of my couch.

"I'm sorry" I breathed

"Why are you sorry?"

"Because I'm being so dramatic and stupid and I really don't even know why I asked you to come here"

"I'm glad you did"

I looked up at him, and he looked down at me. That feeling of disconnect from earlier has disappeared, and it's been replaced by comfort and trust. I don't know how. I guess just looking into his eyes and seeing how much he cares about me is putting me in a different headspace. My eyes uncontrollably shifted from his eyes to his lips. Quickly though, hoping he didn't notice, but they're so tempting. I looked away but I was pulled back abruptly by his hand on my chin, kissing me passionately. It felt like home.

"I'm sorry" he said pulling away, avoiding eye contact.


He returned his gaze and a small smile crept on his lips.

"Can we go back to how everything was before?" He asked.

"You mean before when we were coworkers that slept together?" I asked bluntly, and a little offended.

"No I mean when we were happy"

"I'm not sure what you mean. How can we be happy if we go back to the state we were in when all this started?"

"Well I was hoping maybe, if you wanted, you could uh, be my yknow, girlfriend?"

My heart skipped and I was shocked at his proposal. I don't know if this is a good idea but every part of me wants to say


His eyes lit up and he kissed me again. I'm happy I said yes. I'm nervous, but relieved at his decision.

He stayed the night, I'm not going to lie we did have sex. It was amazing. Just like I remembered. I'm excited to see where this goes. It's nice to be happy again.



** hey everyone! Thanks for reading my story I loved writing it! I'd love to hear from you guys, if you loved it or hated it. Do you want a second book? Are my updates too inconsistent? This is just a side hobby of mine but please let me know what you think! Thank you thank you! ***

New Guy - Noah BeckWhere stories live. Discover now