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-Kylie's P.O.V-

I got out of my car slowly, I was pretty dizzy still from hitting my head off the ground. Should I even really be driving? I opened the trunk and pulled out my snow brush and started to uncover my car, hoping that maybe if I just get rid of the cold snow on top it would give the engine a better chance at starting. But in came Noah again swooping in to save the day.

"Won't start?" He asked. His hat was covered in snow and his hair was peaking out over his eyes. I got kind of lost in his gaze. I shook my head in response. "Looks like I'm your ride then" he laughed motioning to his car. I followed behind getting into his truck. It was already warm.

"Thank you, for everything today, I owe you one" I said as he pulled out of the parking lot.

"Oh I think you owe me at least 2" he replied sarcastically. I laughed.

"Maybe even 3 let's be real" I added. He laughed and kept driving. He had his phone connected listening to music and we just sat there, listening. I was guiding him on how to get to my apartment, we could barely see outside the snow was so thick. Wonder by Shawn Mendes was playing, I closed my eyes and leaned my head back. The wind was loud and I felt myself getting anxious, I hummed softly with the music to distract myself and I think I heard him humming too. I glanced over to him to see him mouthing to words gently, he reached out and turned the volume up louder and we both started to sing along. I've always loved to sing but I was never confident enough to let anyone hear me. By the end of the song we had the volume up full blast and I was belting the words

"I WONDER WHAT ITS LIKE TO BE LOVED BYYYYY YOUUUUU" I sang. I was so lost in the music I didn't even notice he had stopped singing. The song ended and I was slightly out of breath.

"Holy shit" Noah sighed looking at me.

"Eyes on the road" My face was beat red and my heart was pounding in my chest.

"So you sing huh" he asked grinning at me.

"No, I don't" I said shyly, "I'm just up here on the left" I pointed trying to change the subject. He turned into the parking lot of my apartment and into a spot, I noticed he was unbuckling his seatbelt and getting out and I was instantly confused. A little nervous too, frozen in my spot. He walked around and opened my door and I just stared at him.

"Comin?" He laughed.

Does he think he's coming in..?

"Yeah, thanks" I reply taking his hand that he extended towards me to help me down and out of his truck.

"You didn't think I'd really let you cross the parking lot unsupervised did you" he joked.

"Okay okay I'm never living this down am I" I laughed. Each step I took was stiff, shooting pains moving through every part of me. I tried to keep a normal pace so not to freak out Noah and slow us down. He was already so nice to drive me home he shouldn't have to walk my crippled ass to the door. He opened the door and held it open for me, and I shot him an appreciative smile.

"No elevator?" He asked looking around the halls.

"No elevator. It's okay though really, I've got this" I said heading for the stairs.

"Nope not happening" he said moving towards me. Before I knew it he had scooped me up into his arms and started up the steps. It surprised me how effortlessly he picked me up. He's tall, and very muscular, I can feel his muscles through his sweater against my back. "What floor?" He asked looking at me.

"3rd, but it's okay you don't have to carry me up 3 floors Noah I-"

"Nope" he interrupted me. I laughed and leaned my head against his shoulder.

We got to my apartment and he let me down gently. "Thanks again for everything, driving me, carrying me" I trailed off. He smiled at me and I felt my heart start to beat faster. "Do you want to come in for a minute? I can get you a cup of coffee maybe?" I stuttered nervously.

"Sure" he smiled.

"I just remember you saying your drive is kind of long and it is getting late and it's snowing so" I rambled on as I opened my door. We walked into my apartment, the door opens up into the living room in the centre. I have a large window behind my dining table that overlooks the city and parking lot below.

"This is a nice place" he said from across the room. I filled 2 cups of coffee and joined him by the window.

"Thanks, it's not bad, Sarah lives one floor up too. Conveniently considering I'll need a ride to work tomorrow" I laughed. "Hold on didn't you park by the door? I can't even see your truck"

"Yeah it's there, see just next to the light post, you can see the tailgate peaking out" Noah said pointing.

"Are you sure you want to drive 45 minutes in this? It's getting pretty bad, and it's dark out. You're more than welcome to stay here if you want" I suggested.

"It's okay, I don't wanna bother you, it shouldn't be too bad getting home"

"Noah I can't even see your car" I laughed

"Yeahhhh" he laughed with me.

"Really it's no big deal, I do owe you one remember"

"I though it was 3" he joked.

"I mean you can stay 3 nights if you want but after that you owe me"

We laughed and finished our coffees after he agreed to stay here. It really does make me nervous that he would have to drive so far in this weather. We ended up ordering a pizza and watching Jimmy Fallon re runs all night. He's actually really cool and we get along super easy.

"I'm just gonna go hop in the shower I'll be back." I said handing him the remote and heading to the bathroom.

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