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-Kylie's P.O.V-

The week went by so slowly, but it's finally Friday. Sarah and I got over our little argument from earlier this week. She's so controlling but I love her.

I zoned out to the hum of my printer spitting out this weeks pay cheques. I collected them, put them into separate envelopes and labelled them with each employees name. I walked through the office handing them out, I got to the end of the pile, the last bunch is for grounds crew. My least favourite part only because I have to make the trek into the cold to go across to the garage where the guys were having lunch.

I threw on my parka and opened the door to outside. The wind blew it open quickly and I got a gust of snow to the face. I stepped out carefully, the sidewalk is icy. I finally made it to the garage after my slow paced waddle across the ice.

"Kylieeee!!!" Chris said loudly as he stood up from his seat at the lunch table.

"I know I know you want your money" I said throwing my hood down and handing him his cheque.

"No come on we're just happy to see you!" He said laughing.

"Yeah yeah yeah" I said continuing to hand people their cheques.

I got to Noah's, I guess we'd never officially met yet.

"Noah," I said handing him his cheque. He stood up and took it from me. "I'm Kylie, welcome aboard" I smiled looking up at him. Welcome aboard? Who am I a pirate?

"Thank you, and uh, nice to meet you, Kylie" he said.

"See you at Barney's tonight Kyles?" I heard Stu say from behind me.

"Of course" I said closing the garage door behind me and walking back to the office.

I only noticed when I sat down at my desk how fast my heart was beating. Why is it doing that? I do this every couple weeks there's nothing new here I go out and I hand out my cheques and I carry on. I mean yeah Noah's new but big deal new guy gets a cheque!

I started replaying the situation in my head. His smile, his voice, the way he said my name. I had goosebumps thinking about him.

It's him.

He's the one making me crazy, I'm not crazy. I'm a focused business woman I come to work and do my job I am not here to be distracted by some boy.

Some beautiful, sparkly eyed boy.

I let my head fall to my desk as I tried to gather myself.

"Kyles? You good?" Sarah asked peaking into my office.

"Fine, what's up" I asked looking up.

"Barney's tonight?" She asked.

"Duh" I said smiling.

Later that night we met at her apartment and left for the bar. This last work week has been so stressful I am so ready to let loose tonight. We hustled to the door cause it was so cold, and open the door to the bar to see the guys already here. Sarah and I went straight up to the bar to get drinks first. It was busy tonight, Mike had some live music going which is probably why.

"Should we do some shots?" Sarah asked "yknow to get the night rolling"

"Okay" I laughed.

"2 tequila please Mike!" Sarah called across the bar.

He placed the shots in front of us along with a salt shaker and 2 lemons.

Bottoms up

We clinked glasses and tossed them back. I felt it warm my body as it went down.

We joined the guys at their table, we chatted for a bit, watched the band play, drank some more.

A few hours had passed and I felt pretty drunk at this point. I found myself at the bar again waiting for a drink. I noticed a tall figure form the corner of my eye move up beside me, the smell of cologne filled my nose, it smelled so good. I wasn't in control of my actions anymore, I turned to look at him not hiding at all, his eyes met mine and he smiled down at me.


"Hey" he said. His voice so deep like music to my ears. I didn't say anything, words weren't coming into my head I couldn't think of anything to say.

"2 waters please" he asked Mike.

"Water?" I said surprised.

"Yes, water" he laughed sliding one towards me.

"Oh for me?"

"For you" he laughed again.

"No thanks Mikes getting me a beer" I said "you want one?"

"No thanks, ones my limit" he smiled

"One!" I had definitely had more than that.

"Yeah I've gotta get home somehow" he laughed.

"Can't you take a cab?"

"I live with a buddy 45 minutes away, I definitely can't afford to do that every night" he said.

"Sooooo water" I picked up my glass of water "cheers" I noticed him start to down his water and the competitiveness in me made me start to down mine too. We slammed our glasses down together and started laughing.

"Guess I'm pretty lucky I live 2 blocks away" I said, "no-not in that way I'm sorry I mean if you need a place to crash you're welcome to I just—"

"It's okay" he interrupted me "I know what you meant" he flashed me that smile again. It gave me butterflies.

I smiled back at him.

"See you Monday Kylie" he said grabbing his keys and throwing on his coat.

"See you Monday" I said. I watched him leave. The noise around me was quiet now. It was late. I should get home.

I grabbed Sarah and we went home.

And I went to bed.

And I didn't think about Noah.

I didn't think about Noah.

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